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The next few days we work on the cure with no luck. I walk into the lab as they analyze Roy's blood and try to extract the Mirakuru from it.
I accidentally bump into Ivo who is walking with a blood sample.

The vile falls to the ground and shatters. I kick myself mentally for not paying closer attention and I bend down to help pick up the glass. A piece of glass punctures my palm and a drop of blood falls into the sample.

"Shit." I mumble as Ivo helps pick up the glass.

We throw away the glass and a drop of my blood unknowingly mixes with the left over sample that didn't get on the floor that Wells is about to study under a microscope.

"Wait. Guys come here." Wells announces as he looks at his sample.

"What is it?" Cisco asks as they gather around.

"Something's happening. It almost looks as if the blood is reverting back to its original form." Wells describes.

"What did you put in this sample?" Wells asks Ivo.

"Nothing. I hadn't gotten the chance." Ivo states and Wells looks over at me.

"You're bleeding." Wells states as he looks at my cut finger.

"Shit. I didn't even notice. I'll go bandage it up-." I say knowing that mixing blood would be bad.

"No. Wait. Come here. I need a sample of your blood." Wells says and I look over at Ivo confused.

"For what?" I ask.

"To see if your blood is what changed Mr. Harper's." Wells explains and I scoff.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how that works." I state.

"Humor me." Wells shrugs and I sigh and Caitlin draws a sample of my blood.

They take a vile of Roy's blood and put one in under the microscope and the visual is up on a large screen of what is happening to the blood under the microscope.

"I'll be damned..." Ivo mumbles as he watches my blood destroy the serum and then destroy itself, leaving only Roy's original blood left.

"How is that possible?" Caitlin asks confused.

"I don't know, but I think we may have just found our cure." Ivo states as he looks over at me.

They draw some more blood from me and repeat the test and it has the same outcome every time. I get out my phone and call Oliver.

"We have the cure." I state.

"That's actually perfect news. Listen about-." Oliver starts saying but I cut him off knowing that we are probably being listened to.

"How much do you need? How many men?" I ask.

"About 50 or 60. And we need it fast." Oliver says understanding why I cut him off.

"Alright I'll send it with one of our guys. He'll meet you at the bridge." I say.

"Where is Thea?" I ask.

"It's ok, she took the train out of town." Oliver assures and I have Caitlin look up the video cameras from there and see that it's completely trashed, but I don't tell Oliver.

"What's going on in your area?" I ask and there's a pause.

"ARGUS is sending in military...Diggle and Lyla are trying to get to the leader but she's not listening." Oliver sighs and I know what I have to do and I hang up.

"So we need 60 vials of your blood?" Cisco asks.

"I don't think you can handle that much blood taken out at once." Caitlin argues.

"No. I need double that. The phone call is being monitored. Slade knows we have a cure. He's going to have his guys go after it. So we need another 60 that Ivo is going to bring in by way of helicopter." I answer.

"That'll kill you!" Caitlyn remarks.

"So what?" I scoff.

"You really want to sacrifice your life in the hopes that this cure makes it to your friends?!" Cisco asks stunned.

"Look, I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe, and if that means that I trade my life so they have a chance to stop this, then so be it." I shrug.

"I'm not going to let you just sacrifice yourself!" Ivo argues.

"It's not your choice. And anyway we don't know for sure that it will kill me." I say and start dialing ARGUS.

"Who are you calling now?" Cisco asks.

"ARGUS." I state as I listen to the ringing.

"Who is this and how did you get this number?" Amanda answers.

"Look, I don't have a lot of time right now and neither do you. I have word that your planning on bombing Starling City and I'm telling you that if you do. I will come come for you like nothing you have ever seen." I growl.

"Rieka..." Amanda sighs.

"Listen. We have a cure and we are sending it over. Give Diggle another hour or so help me, I will burn your entire organization to the ground." I growl and there's a pause on the other end of the line.

"Fine one hour. But if it doesn't work, I will have no other option but to lay the city to waste. Don't ever call me again." Amanda says and hangs up.

"Good I got us an hour." I huff as I roll up my sleeve.

"What's ARGUS?" Caitlin asks.

"Government group. Extremely powerful and extremely dangerous." Ivo answers.

"Seriously, what kind of people do you hang out with?!" Cisco asks shocked.

"Doesn't matter...before we do this I need to make one last phone call." I say and turn around and dial Malcolm's number as I walk out of the room.

"Hello?" Malcolm asks.

"Malcolm, I need a favor. I need you to get to Starling and get Thea at the bus station. Get her to safety. Then contact this number once you know she is safe." I say.

"What's going on?" He asks sounding worried.

"Will you do it or not?" I growl and he sighs.

"Of course. She's my daughter." Malcolm answers.

"I'll need you to wait before you leave. I have someone who is going to go with you. He's a doctor and a scientist. His name is Anthony Ivo. Do whatever you have to, to protect Thea. And if something happens to her or Ivo, I will hunt you down and make you wish you died in the earthquake." I growl and hang up.

I head back to the lab and they start taking my blood.

"Ivo, here. Take this. After you get them the cure I need you to wait for a call. Meet up with the person on the other line and go with him and make sure Thea is safe. Don't tell Oliver or anyone where you are going or what you are doing. Do you understand?" I ask and he nods his head.

"I understand." He answers and I sigh.

"Alright, we are going to put you in a temporary comatose state in hopes that your body will be more willing to take the blood transfusions as we take your blood. If this works you will be in a comma for a few weeks or so but it will be enough time for you to regain your blood count as well as strength." Wells says and I nod my head and he enters a needle of medicine into the IV.

And everything becomes blurry.

"Tell Oliver-I'm sorry." I mumble right before I pass out.

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