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Malcolm makes me get ready and we head to Queen's Consolidated. I wear a simple leather jacket with jeans and a t-shirt and he goes full on suit, like usual.

We meet in Moira's office and Mr. Copani interrupts their private meeting.

"Rieka, I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom. Wait for me down in the lobby." Malcolm states as he goes to the restroom.

I make my way down to the lobby and watch as Moira and Mr. Copani take their conversation outside on the steps.

"Mrs. Queen, all I'm asking for is a chance to sit down and discuss our proposal, hmm?" He states.

"If that's all it is, then I can save us both the time. It's rejected."

"I see. May I ask why?"

"Do I really need to answer that?" She scoffs.

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm meeting my son for lunch." She states and he keeps bugging her.

"Hey pal, I think the woman wants to be left alone, so why don't you do her a favor and comply?" I shout as I go outside towards them.

"Stay out of this kid." He scoffs I'm about to say something when I hear a motorcycle coming from around the corner at a high speed.

The rider takes a gun out and starts shooting at us. I tackle Moira to the ground as Oliver shout for us to duck. Mr. Copani gets hit and is dead before he hits the ground.

The motorist rides off and Oliver rushes towards his mom and I run off to chase the motorcycle down. I take a few shortcuts and almost catch up to it, but a semi truck blocks the way and by the time it's gone, so is the motorist.

"God damnit!" I growl and see Oliver running up behind me.

"Did you get a good look at them?" He asks out of breath.

"No. A fucking semi just had to get in the way." I growl and kick a trash can over.

"Let's go, Mr. Merlyn is going to be wondering where you went." He states and we head back over to the company.

I see police officers and Detective Lance at the scene talking to Malcolm.

"There she is, thank god you're alright. Where did you run off to?" Malcolm asks as he brings me in a tight hug, even though he's actually pissed.

"I was trying to figure out who shot at us." I shrug and Lance looks at me baffled.

"Rieka, what on earth were you thinking of chasing down that maniac? You could've easily been hurt or even killed? I mean honestly what was going through your mind?" Lance asks confused.

"You know me Detective, not much goes on up here." I snicker as I knock my fist on my head and he just shakes his.

"Where's Oliver's mom?" I ask not seeing her there.

"She went to the hospital to be checked out. She wasn't hit but they want to make sure she didn't break anything." Lance explains.

"Alright, well if that's all I think we should head home and get you cleaned up." Malcolm states and Lance eyes me but nods his head.

We head back home and the minute we enter the house Malcolm grabs me and slams me against the wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I told you to stay inside the lobby!" He growls.

"I was protecting your investment." I growl and shove him off of me.

"You got some nerve." He states as I start walking to the kitchen.

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