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I head back to Ivo's place a few days later once the window is fixed. I enter the house only to find Ras standing in the living room.

"I don't know if your clock is broken but it's only been a few days since the last time I saw you. Or are you getting Alzheimer's?" I scoff but he doesn't seem to find the humor in it.

"I asked you if you had spoken to Malcolm. You told me you hadn't. But then I hear that Sara visited you asking the same thing." He states as he walks over to me.

"And?" I ask not seeing where he's going with this.

"You didn't think it was important to let me know that Sara went rogue again?" He asks as he watches me carefully.

"I didn't know she was rogue..." I say and he shakes his head.

"Why would I have someone check with you after I've already spoken to you?" He asks as he takes a step closer and I see his point.

"What did you want me to say, oh your boss already came by and asked. But thanks for breaking the window and making a mess." I scoff sarcastically and he clenches his jaw.

"Fine. But if she comes back, alert me immediately. Do you understand?" He asks as he lifts my chin with his finger.

"Yes." I say through clenched teeth.

It seems to be good enough for him and he leaves. I let out a sigh and make myself some lunch.


I head to get some cocoa and run into a guy. My scolding hot cocoa spills onto me and then the ground.

"You okay? Ooh, that looks like it's pretty hot." He says apologetically as I throw away my now empty cup.

" He says apologetically as I throw away my now empty cup

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"It's fine. I should've been more careful to look where I was going." I huff annoyed with myself.

"Doesn't that like, burn?" He asks me confused and I look at him and then realize that the cocoa was just made so it's extremely hot.

"Oh, I guess I didn't even notice." I shrug not wanting to make a deal out of it.

"Here, let me get some ice ." He says as he goes down the sidewalk to an ice machine and steals an entire bag of ice and I can't help but chuckle as he runs away with it into an alley.

I follow after him and find him dumping out most of the ice from the bag and tying the bag back up and handing it to me.

"Here you are." He says with a smirk and I scoff.

" He says with a smirk and I scoff

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