Al Sa-Him

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Oliver's POV:
After a few weeks I am no longer Oliver Queen. I am Al Sa-Him. I have learned not to ask about Rieka anymore and where she is since I haven't seen here since being burned on the back.

"Today we will see how well you do with training Rieka." Ras says and I look at him and nod, trying to keep it together.

"Where is she?" I ask Ras as we walk outside.

"Before you see her there are a few things you need to know about her." He says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"She is known here by a few names. Al Namir. Or in English, the Tiger, is her main one." Ras starts to explain.

"Why a tiger?" I ask and he smirks.

"Tigers are one of the most vengeful animals besides humans of course." He states and I pause.

"She doesn't seem like the vengeful type." I counter.

"She's not. For the most part. But she is always calculating her next move. She's swift and blends in well, much like a tiger. Once she's on the hunt it's too late for her prey, before they even catch a glimpse of her." He states and I see that we are walking towards where he must have her locked up.

It's dark and I find myself holding my breath as we approach the gate. Ras seems to notice as he looks over at me.

"You can sense it too. Can't you?" He asks and I furrow my brows.

"Sense what?" I ask.

"She's angry, with me. I sent her away for a bit but didn't let her kill anyone." He states and then lets out a small whistle and some lights are turned on.

My breath hitches at the sight in front of me. In the far corner I see Rieka glaring at Ras. He taps the gate with his ring and she squints her eyes just a bit.

"Al Namir...come." He orders her but she just stays there and continues to glare at him.

"She's being difficult today I see." He huffs and opens the gate with a key.

She looks at Ras and then at me. Her mood changes in an instant. Before I know it she's running towards me.

"Oliver!" She says but before she can reach me Ras has her against the wall by the neck.

She doesn't fight against Ras' grip. But her eyes dart between the two of us.

"What did you do to him?!" She growls angrily at Ras which takes me aback.

No one raises their voice at Ras. Not even his own daughter Nyssa dares. Seeing Rieka like this rips me apart inside but I know I have to keep up the act. So I don't do anything.

"It's Al Sah-Him." Ras states calmly and she glares at him.

"Now, are you going to behave?" Ras asks calmly and she growls at him a bit, it sounds quite animalistic which shocks me.

"You son of a bitch! What did you do to him?!" She growls.

There's a flash of something else in her eyes. Something different, dangerous, calculating. For the first time I catch a glimpse of The Tiger, Al Namir. I can now see what Ras meant when he was telling me about tigers and their vengefulness. Because right now all I can see is her wanting to rip Ras to shreds.

Ras doesn't seem phased by this though as he stares her down. The seconds seem to hang in the air as the two look into one another's eyes. He leans forward and whispers something to her.

He must see a small change in her behavior because he lets go of her and she slumps to the ground. She's still glaring at him but is rubbing her neck. I do my best to look unfazed.

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