The Mayor

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Oliver's POV:
I go to host the gun buying benefit with Sebastian Blood. Multiple people come in and hand their guns in for cash, some don't even take the cash.

Ever since The Mayor started controlling the Glades with guns, things have been a lot more dangerous for the people who live there.

I'm standing there talking with Sebastian when a old beat up truck pulls up, blaring music. It's spray painted all over and looks like it's barely holding up. Someone gets out of the drivers seat and jumps into the bed of the truck and drags out an entire barrel.

Everyone stops what they're doing to witness this strange event, including me.

"This isn't good..." Sebastian states in a shaky voice.

"Why? Who is that?" I ask Sebastian, confused.

"Havoc. That's what they call themselves anyway. No one knows who the person is or where they come from. They just show up randomly and start reeking havoc on everything around them. Breaking and stealing stuff, and they are not quiet about it either..." Sebastian whispers clearly frightened.

I watch as the person with the strange mask drags the barrel to the tent and the people back away afraid of what's going to happen. The Havoc tips the barrel over and guns after guns come piling out of it. Military grade ones.

They bring another barrel and the same thing happens and everyone stands there not knowing what to do. The mask brings a suit case and places it on the table and slides it to a scared man who gulps before he takes and opens it and finds multiple hand guns in it.

Just when we think the Havoc is done they start emptying their body of at least 10 guns and multiple boxes of ammo. The entire time not saying a single word and then leaving in the loud, spray painted truck and we all watch as they drive off.

"What the hell just happened?" Sebastian asks totally confused.

"Maybe they're just trying to help." I shrug not really understanding what happened myself.

"Where the hell did they get these? These are military grade weapons." One of the people behind the table says as they inspect the guns.

"How many?" I ask.

"At least 50 hand guns and 20 machine guns. Who the hell has that many guns?" The guy scoffs.

"What the hell is going on here?! Nothing happens in this town without the Mayor's permission!" Someone shouts and a military truck shows up with a few guys in the back holding semi-automatics.

They start shooting and everyone takes cover. I pull Sebastian behind a food cart and then I hear the loud music again. I look out from behind and see the truck has come back and the Havoc has a hand gun and is shooting with perfect precision and gets a few of the guys who are guarding The Mayor.

The Mayor and his truck rush off, bullets echoing behind them as a warning. The Havoc walks over to the table and takes the rest of the cash and gets back in their truck and drives off.

I stand there not even knowing what to think about what just went down in front of a bunch of civilians. Who would be that reckless and put innocent people in harms way just to get a few thousand bucks?

Rieka's POV:
I get back to the junk yard and place my cash in my keep safe spot. I take off my mask and set it besides the couch and turn the TV on and watch some shows.

I end up falling asleep, only to wake from a nightmare that starred Ivo. I catch my breath and sigh as I lean back. I'm all sweaty and my heart is racing.

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