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We get home and I get ready for bed.

"Why did you look at me when the Police came by and told the chief that the vigilante had struck again?" Malcolm breaks the silence.

"Why didn't you tell me that there was a dinner party at Oliver's place?" I retort and he chuckles.

"No, you don't get to deflect my question with a question." He scoff.

"Because I know it was you." I state and he licks his lips.

"You know this how?" He asks.

"Because Adam Hunt was the first person the vigilante went after and he got what he wanted from him. It makes no sense to kill him months later. At least it doesn't for the vigilante. But you...you tie up loose ends and Adam Hunt was one of them. And don't tell me he wasn't because I know every single name in that book by heart." I answer and he smirks.

"You're right." He smiles.

"Now why did you not tell me about the dinner party tonight?" I ask and he sighs

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"Now why did you not tell me about the dinner party tonight?" I ask and he sighs.

"Because I knew you wouldn't show up if I told you." He answers truthfully and I scoff.

"Goodnight, Rieka." He ends with and heads to his room and I head to mine.


The next few days I stay with Malcolm to keep an eye on him. And he catches on, it's not like I was trying to be subtle about it.

"You do know that you know everything I know, right?" He asks as he sits in his office and I just sit there doodling mindlessly.

"That's what you keep telling me." I mumble and he chuckles.

Suddenly the door opens and a man comes in looking stressed to the max.

"Mr. Merlyn...my boss Walter called me into his office and started asking me questions about the vigilante. What should I do?!" He asks completely stressed out.

"Douglas, I want you to calm down." Malcolm states and they start talking.

After a few minutes Douglas Miller leaves and Malcolm sighs.

"What's that about?" I ask.

"You remember how Walter was putting his nose in our business about a month ago? Well he's doing it again." Malcolm growls and I smirk to myself knowing that Walter didn't heed my warning.


Later that night I take a ride with Malcom and we meet up with Moira.

"What is this about?" Moira asks confused.

"Douglas Miller came to see me today, quite concerned. He said your husband interrogated him and his questions suggested a knowledge he shouldn't have of the list." Malcolm explains and Moira looks like she's about to shit her pants.

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