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Oliver's POV:
I get back to Thea's apartment and pull Malcolm aside while Thea makes some tea.

"I wasn't always like this you know. Before Rebecca died, I was a good father." Malcolm starts talking.

"I remember." I state coldly thinking of how Rieka grew up.

"Killing changes you. It takes away a piece of your soul, and you can never get it back again." He continues.

"Yeah, and thanks to you Rieka doesn't believe she has one anymore." I growl but quickly calm back down.

"I see Thea as my chance for redemption."

"You turned Rieka into a killer. And then you put both her and Thea in the crosshairs of one of the most dangerous men on the planet." I state.

"And you won't believe me, but I did so with a heavy heart and expecting a different outcome."

"Ras is going to come for me, and he will learn the truth about Sara eventually and why Rieka killed her." I growl.

"And then he will come for Thea and me."

"That's why I have to kill him" I state.

"You couldn't before."

"This time, I will have you to train me." I state.

"Only the student has hope of defeating the master." He responds.

I head back to the group and get a big hug from Felicity. It still feels empty now that Rieka isn't there.

"Merlyn told us you were killed." Diggle states.

"I was close." I state thinking back to when Rieka speared me with the sword.

I look down recognizing the sword on the table. I gulp as the images of Rieka with tears in her eyes, thrusting the sword into me, flicker in my mind. I recall how my last thought was that I didn't want her to hate herself. That she wouldn't blame herself.

"It's a gift from Malcolm Merlyn. He went out looking for you. It's Ras Al Ghul's right?" Diggle asks snapping me out of my memory.

"Yup." I answer.

"So what are we gonna do about him? I mean if he finds out about Thea-." Roy starts saying.

"Merlyn and I are working on that." I state and cross my arms.

"Sorry? For a second there it sounded like you said Merlyn." Felicity states confused.

"I need to know how to defeat Ras. So I can keep everyone safe. Merlyn has the knowledge." I say only half truthful.

"And to get Rieka back." Diggle grumbles.

"So, he still has her?" Roy asks and I nod my head.

"For how long she stays alive though..." I shake my head not wanting to think about that.

"There's a good chance she might not even be alive anymore..." Roy mumbles and I gulp knowing that he could easily be right.

"Merlyn is a monster. You're in this situation, Thea and Rieka are in this situation because of him." Felicity states.


"No. Just a few hours ago I stood right here and swore that you would never get in bed with Malcolm Merlyn!" Felicity scoffs and walks out to get some air.

I go out after her and find her in the alley.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Maybe you could be a little more specific. For letting us believe you were dead for weeks or for abandoning every principle you claim to have by getting into bed with Malcolm Merlyn." She scoffs.

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