Team Flash

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A few hours later Diggle comes back and completely ignores my presence.

He tells Oliver that Ivo is doing good at the hospital and then starts telling Oliver that ARGUS has been compromised.

"Well Ollie, looks like Laurel was right. You can't leave me down here forever, and certainly can't protect me 24/7." I sneer and Diggle just ignores me.

"Look, we need to go and help Lyla now!" Diggle growls and Oliver heads off with him in his suit.


Felicity comes down the stairs with Cisco and Caitlin in toll.

"What is she doing in there?" Caitlin asks suspiciously.

"It's my timeout box." I state sarcastically.

"She wants to offer herself up to a super evil leader of Assassins." Felicity says without looking at me.

"Well, that isn't going to hold her..." Cisco scoffs at the containment system.

"That's what I keep telling them. The only reason I'm still in here is because I'm too bored to go anywhere else, plus it pisses Laurel off that she can't get anywhere near me." I scoff.

"Well, I can make one you can't get out of." Cisco challenges and I smirk.

"Challenge accepted." I sneer and unhinge the door and walk out.

"Seriously?!" Felicity states.

"I told you. I had nothing better to do. And I don't have go find Ras, he'll find me." I shrug and they furrow their brows but ignore the last comment.

Cisco sits at a computer and starts making up blueprints when Barry comes rushing into the bunker and sits down in one of the computer chairs.

"Hey! Rieka! Was-sup?!" Barry asks. "Damn...I'm hungry..." He states and whooshes off.

About a minute later Oliver, Diggle, and Roy are back in the bunker along with Lyla.

"What the hell happened?" Oliver scolds as he looks at the cell that I was previously locked in.

"Don't worry, I'm going to remake you one that is impossible to get out of!" Cisco assures him.

"Don't worry, I'll play nice." I sneer and Oliver sighs.

"No offense but why are you here?" Diggle asks Cisco and Caitlin.

"We wanted to see the Arrow cave." Cisco explains and Oliver glares at Felicity.

Cisco starts looking around at some of the arrows and looks amazed.

"Don't touch that." Oliver growls as Cisco puts his finger on the pointy end of the arrow.

"Or that." Oliver says through clenched teeth as Cisco reaches for the bow.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something? Can I ask why there's a cage?" Lyla interrupts.

"No. You may not." Diggle answers as he glares at me and I just smirk.

Barry whooshes back into the bunker with sushi. He lands in the computer chair with his mask off.

"That-that's the Flash..." Lyla states in shock.

"Barry! Seriously?! Secret identity?!" Caitlin scolds as she motions over to Lyla.

"It's cool, they're married." Barry shrugs.

"Nope." Both Diggle and Lyla say in unison.

"Well, he told her about me." Barry says and Diggle shakes his head. "Really?! Oops." Barry says.

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