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We get back home and I expect Malcolm to be furious but he's not. He doesn't even bring up the dead bodies.

"You hungry?" He asks calmly and I nod.

"Great." He states with a small smile and orders Chinese take out, my favorite.

He's calm the entire night and I start to get nervous on when the next shoe will drop. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him. What's worse than him being mad at me is when he isn't, but should be.


The next morning I expect him to be back to his normal self but he's still calm.

"If this is your idea of teaching me a lesson, then fine, consider me taught." I huff annoyed as he fills out papers in his office.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"You haven't brought up the incident..." I state confused.

"Are you referring to when you stormed off after you told me that you were almost killed because of me?" He asks and I gulp.

"Are you referring to when you stormed off after you told me that you were almost killed because of me?" He asks and I gulp

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"Well, I wasn't going to put it like that..." I say awkwardly.

"I think it's on the spot, and if you're wondering if I'm mad, I can assure you, I'm not." He states calmly.

"Why not..." I state utterly confused and he sighs.

"Because I realized something. I'm the reason you were almost killed. And you have every right to be mad at me. I'm so sorry that you were caught in the crossfire. If I had known, I would've never sent the boat to the bottom of the ocean. So, I understand your anger and I want you to heal." He explains and I just sit there speechless.

"Um...I'm fine. I don't blame you. I knew what you were planning and I chose to go on it anyway. Whatever happened in those five years, is on me." I state and he sighs.

"Why do you always do that? Why do you always blame yourself? Not everything is your fault Rieka." He stresses.

"So you're going to let me go?" I ask hopeful.

"No, but I have decided to give you some space." He states and I look at him shocked.

"Really?!" I ask excitedly.

"Yes, but...I will have someone assigned to you when you leave the house." He explains and I huff.

"You do remember how easily I shake bodyguards, right?" I scoff.

"That is why it isn't a bodyguard." He states and I look at him confused.

"Then what is it?"

"Think of him as your shadow." He says and I look even more confused.

"What the hell are yo-." I start saying and he walks over to my side of the desk and bends down and puts an ankle monitor on me with one quick swoop.

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