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We get back to the US and I decide it's best if I stay out of view at least until Moira's trial is over. Oliver agrees and I hold myself up in the bunker, just like old times.


Finally, Moira's trial comes to an end and a verdict is chosen. Not guilty. Everyone is shocked by the outcome, especially Oliver.

A few days later we head to a Queen's Consolidated warehouse that was broken into. Lance meets us there and shows us the damage.

I look and see the metal door completely bent and broken through. I start to get on edge when the officers aren't able to figure out what caused that kind of damage.

Lance explains that it was a group of guys but is interrupted by a string bean of a crime tech.

"Actually it was one guy. All of these footprints are from the same man." The guy states and we all look at him.

"And you are?" Lance asks.

"Barry Allen. I'm a crime tech. The Central City police force sent me down here to check out the um...unusual circumstances." The guy explains looking a bit nervous.

He starts going through what happened and I can see how fascinated Felicity is by this guy

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He starts going through what happened and I can see how fascinated Felicity is by this guy. She seems to be hanging onto every single word that exits his mouth.

I stand there and my gut is churning with the possibility of Ivo being involved somehow. Oliver looks over at me probably thinking about the island as well.

We head back and I go take a much needed nap while they get ready for a party that they are throwing for Moira.

I'm almost asleep when I'm woken up by the one and only Malcolm.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I growl annoyed.

"Moira knows about the League! She has sent Ras after us!" Malcolm states urgently.

"Well, then I suggest you run while you still can." I say plainly and he looks at me confused.

"You talked to him, didn't you?!" Malcolm growls.

"Not about you, if that's what you're wondering about. I made a deal with him. That's all." I shrug and Malcolm glares at me, clearly thinks I'm hiding something and I am.

"And here I thought I was going to try and save you...guess you're too far gone to be saved." He states and walks off.


I head down to the bunker just as Oliver is going out.

"Where are you going?" I ask confused.

"There's been an update on where the guy who has super-strength is. I'm ending this once and for all." He says and heads off.

Knowing what this guy will be capable of, I quietly follow Oliver to the location. I wait outside as he enters the warehouse and I stay there until I hear the sound of things falling to the ground.

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