Chapter 5

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Part of Mariko regretted giving Hawks her number two weeks ago. For whatever reason, the male had taken it as an invitation of friendship. To a certain extent, it was, but it was more an invitation to becoming acquaintances than friends. She'd thought that they could build up their relationship slowly since they didn't really know each other that well. Acquaintances were more comfortable. It meant casual meetups and sending a text every once in a while with a meme. It did not mean showing up at her apartment randomly and spamming her with messages and it definitely didn't mean he had a free pass to touch her whenever he pleased. It honestly shouldn't have come as a surprise that Hawks was a naturally physical person. He never touched her inappropriately, but he would constantly have his arm around her, shake or poke her when he wanted attention, and always greeted her with a hug.

At first, the constant touching was off-putting. Mariko had grown up in a spartan environment and most touching happened because she was fighting or healing someone. So, hugs and cuddles were a bit of a foreign concept. It's not like she didn't know or understand physical intimacy whatsoever- she did- it just wasn't something she usually engaged in. Not unless she was extremely comfortable with the person anyway. As a result, the first few times Hawks suddenly threw his arm around her or swept her up in an excited hug ended with the blonde groaning in pain after receiving a swift punch or kick from the female.

Fortunately for him, she adapted quickly. In an effort to not constantly injure the No. 2 hero, she'd taught herself not to respond violently whenever he tried to touch her. Gradually she'd improved and in just two weeks had reduced her reactions to simply bristling uncomfortably whenever he touched her.

Though he didn't comment on it, the shift did not go unnoticed by the male. When he'd realized Mariko wasn't the physical type, he'd done it often to mess with her. Even though he'd always get hurt from it, her reactions afterward always made it worth it. Once she'd realized it was him she'd attacked, her face would flush red with embarrassment, and she would panic for a second thinking she might've seriously hurt him.

He wasn't disappointed by the change though in the slightest. Before, he'd been worried about whether the female was trying to avoid him. They'd exchanged numbers, but she didn't text him unless she was responding to something he sent. She also rarely sought his company; he considered it a miracle if she waved at him when they crossed paths on patrol. She was dry, and it hurt, but he couldn't say he blamed her. He knew he was a bit much and that there were few people who matched his energy. Because of this, he'd been considering taking a step back and giving her space.

One day, he fell on her. It had been a complete accident. He'd been walking home after work, so exhausted he didn't even have the energy to fly. When he'd gotten to the building, Mariko had been there too. In a rush to catch up to her, he'd tripped on his own wing and fell onto her. Of course, not expecting the weight, Mariko stumbled slightly, but that was it. She didn't punch him for suddenly touching her- didn't freak out in the slightest. "No violent greeting today?" he'd asked. "Well, I can't keep punching you forever." She'd answered. It was then that he'd realized she had made a conscious effort to change her behavior. She was adjusting herself to his personality and habits. Not only that but her answer had had a hidden meaning. Forever- that was the word she'd used. That word meant she expected him to be around for a long time, long enough for her to put time into accommodating him into her life. That word meant that she accepted him.

Hawks knew the brunette had no idea how happy that small change had made him. He'd nearly tackled her when he realized she'd accepted him. It was a cause for celebration in his books. So he'd flown onto her balcony after work the next day to do just that.

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