Chapter 80

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Dabi cursed as he, Toga, and Kurogiri were practically thrown into a guest room- if it could even be called that. The space around them was nothing more than a concrete box with three cots, a dresser, and a small table for two. It had a full ensuite bathroom which made it just a step up from a basic prison cell. They didn't have escorts so much as they were guards. The two men that had brought them there locked the door behind them from the outside and seeing as they were able to hear their voices through the door, they intended to stay and make sure none of them left.

The mission was quickly proving to be more difficult than any of them have anticipated. They had after all, more or less expected to be greeted with open arms, at least that had been the goal. Their welcome however was everything short of open.

"What are we gonna do? We have to get this done before she starts dying," toga asked, bouncing up and down one of the springy mattresses they had been provided with.

Kurogiri remained silent, thinking about what the best course of action would be for the mission's success. Since it had been made clear they weren't welcomed guests, they would have to operate stealthily. "Toga, why don't you disguise yourself as one of the guards and start taking the measurements? We have a limited amount of time here so it's best not to waste it. Dabi will escape and join you later."

"Instead of wasting time here, can't you just teleport us out?"

"I cannot utilize my quirk unless I know the exact coordinates of the location I am traveling to or I have a very clear mental image. In a place such as this which is crawling with enemies, teleporting would risk us being seen and would be counterintuitive considering our status here."

"Oooooh good point! I'm totally down to kill the guard. I hope his blood tastes good. Can I kill him afterwards?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure," Dabi answered.

"Yay!" she cheered.

One of the guards banged against the door. "Oi! Keep it down in there!" he exclaimed.

The ravenette rolled his eyes and walked over to the door. Lighting his palm up, he held the flame to the doorknob. In seconds it was red hot. Half a minute later there was a soft sting followed by the pained screams of the guard who touched it.

"Holy shit what happened?" The other one muttered.

The guard continued to writhe in agony before collapsing onto the ground.

The remaining guard's panicked movements were Kurogiri's cue to open a portal through the door. Dabi grabbed the male and threw him to the ground. Toga immediately lunged at the fallen guard. She quickly pulled her knives out and tore into him.

Blood splattered everywhere, staining the plain gray walls, and pooled at their feat as the guard was reduced to shreds. Once Kurogiri had reminded Toga the purpose of killing the guard, the teen worked on consuming his blood.

"There's no way in fuck I'm cleaning any of this mess," Dabi said, crossing his arms.

The blonde made a face. "This taste terrible," she complained.

"Sucks to suck. Now hurry up and get going. Judging by how that crazy bitch reacted when she first saw her, we probably won't have more than a few hours," he said.

Toga nodded and transformed into the guard. Using Kurogiri's portal, she walked out of the room and took the keys off the deceased male's unconscious partner before dragging him back inside the cell. They bound and gagged him, locking him in the ensuite bathroom and smashing both their radios before leading the two males out.

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