Not good enough

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Season 4

No ones POV

Rex looked at a younger picture back during the clone wars of him and sighed, he looks in the mirror and compared it to the picture. "I wish I had my hair back..and my weight...and everything.." he frowned, looking at the hand with the wedding ring on it. "Am I even good enough for him?"

Kanan stormed in and pinned Rex against the wall. "Don't you ever, EVER! Think you're nothing to me!! Ever! I think you're gorgeous just the way you are and I wouldn't change it for the world! You understand? We have a beautiful daughter, an amazing relationship, a beautiful family, a beautiful house!" He kissed him lovingly. "Never think about yourself like that again. Understand?"

Rex nods and smiled at him.

Julianne ran in. "Mama!! Papa!!" She giggled and jumped into rexs arms.

Kanan smiled and kissed her cheek. "Hi baby girl."

She cuddled against Rex. "Hi papa:"

"Hi beautiful princess." He bounced her.

She laughs adorably and held onto him.

Kanan chuckled and looked at Rex. "See what I mean?"

Rex smiled and nods. "Thank you..I guess I am good enough."

Kanan X Rex one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now