The Story of The Past Part 1

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um.......this is all I have. Sorry


It was said that in the kingdom of Elves, there was a law, "None shall interact with outsiders."

The Elves were ignorant and thought they were better than everyone, so this law was natural to them. But the prince, Enzo, didn't think that. In fact, he wished he could go out of the kingdom.

He would go to the royal library and read about the humans, werewolves, reapers, etc, even though his mother forban him from reading those books he still did.

One day while he was in the library he found an old book that told him out to summon a reaper, he thought that this was his chance, his only chance to know what the outside world was like.

So like any normal elves would, and not do the ritual.........Enzo wasn't a normal Elf.

He and his pet crow worked day and night to prepare for the summoning.

And when they finally summoned the Reaper...... let's just say they became friends right away.

Usually, people wanted to know how they would die or when, but Enzo was different. He didn't care about that, he just wanted to know about the outside.

She told him what the trees looked like, how the people acted, she told him how big the world really was, and lastly she told him her name......Ren, the oldest daughter of death himself.

The reaper managed to convince Enzo that he should see that outside world for himself, and that night, Enzo packed food, a hood to hide his ears, a bow and arrow, and stole a horse from the stables.

The morning after the whole kingdom was in an uproar. The royal guards went to look for Enzo, Enzo's family was in disbelief and upset, the citizens were told a lie by the royals that Enzo was kidnapped by an outsiders.

Many of the Elves were gathered on the streets and prayed for Enzo's safe return.

Meanwhile, Enzo was........sleeping on a tree branch with Chase while the reaper was watching the horse, she didn't need sleep.

A few miles away was an Alpha that was patrolling his pack lands, he smelled something unfamiliar in the air, and slowly started to head in the direction, he didn't want to but it was going after the smell or deal with the pups back at home. He was bigger than most wolves and his name was Ezekiel.

Many knew him as The Lonely Demon since he was known for not having a mate and he was scary as hell, however in the history books he's name would later be Ezekiel The Elf Killer, but that's far in the future. For now, he's just a lone wolf, with a little soft heart.


What do you think happened to Ezekiel to make him known as The Elf killer?

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