Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Ezekiel's POV:

"Then prove it." I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him away from the wolf that was next to him.

He then looked at Otoko and asked for a lot of the Roronoa. It was interesting how confident he was in his ability to drink against me, just because he downed one.

I let go of his shirt and sat back down.

All of the wolves heard what we were about to do and started to crowd around us at the bar table. While Otoko started to pour us the drinks.

It really did surprise me how bold this little thing was. (He's talking about Enzo.) Even though Otoko is getting the drinks ready he just kept staring atme, while the wolf was trying to pull his eyes away from me. It made me laugh inside.

"EZEKIEL!" Jake and Conan ran over to me. They seemed.........relaxed and stressed free.

"What are you looking at!?" Jake said as he saw Enzo looking at me. The wolf that was with Enzo started to make a growling face but did not make any sound.

His friend probably didn't know he was a wolf. Amusing.

"Please Enzo. No more trouble." The wolf said, it caused Enzo to move his eyes on the wolf. "What do you mean trouble? We're here to have fun!" Enzo slapped his back.

"Are you guys ready?" Otoko said as he got the last of the drinks in on the table. Me and Enzo looked at each other as he sat down.

"This will be an easy win!" Jake yelled through the crowed of people that surrounded us. He was right, this would be an easy win. Werewolves have a very high tolerance to alcohol so we made our liquor a lot stronger, he'll only last one to two drinks.

"How much do you want to bet?" Enzo said as he pulled put his wallet, "I have $100" he continued.

Jake and Conan looked at each other and pulled money from each go their wallets, the put $50 each on the table. "Deal!" They both said.

Once Enzo gets drunk I'll take him to a hotel and pound him. His body is small enough for me to easily carry him but it wasn't thin enough to be all bone in his ass. He has a perfect amount of fat in his ass and it was beginning to turn me on.

"Hey! You ready?" I was snapped from my thoughts by the human boy. Does he even know my name? He should, I mean it's been said in front of him multiple times. Unless his an idiot.

"I have a name you know?" I said as a statement. Enzo just looked at me confused, "You do? What is it?" he said. I could feel my vains pop. This little shit is being a smartass! Who does he think he is to be talking as if he is some big shot.

"I'm ready when you are......Mr. Alpha." He said. When I pound this brat I'll make sure to break him!

I just looked at him as I picked up my drink. I'll make this quick. We both locked eyes and we both downed the first drink making eye contact and slammed the glasses on the table.

"Rock, Paper, scissors?" Enzo asked. I was confused. What the fuck did he mean?

"After every few drink we do rock, paper, scissors. Who ever wins has to take a request of the loser." He said smirking. This little shit really thinks that he's going to win.

"Fine." I said, knowing that I was going to win. We both held up our hands in the air.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" We both said. Enzo held up rock and I held up paper. Loser, I win! I said in my thoughts.

I looked at him with a face of satisfaction.

"I want a lap dance from you?" I said leanings back in my chair. You could hear all of the people that were crowding us, yell "OHHHHHH" Enzo looked all around at all of the people surrounding us. Guess he's embarrassed.

"Or are you chicken?" I smiled. "Tsk" he said as he got off of the chair, while downing another drink.

"Jackass." Enzo said making his way to me. Does he even know how to lap dance?

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