Jake and Conan arrive

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I hope you have a nice day!

Enzo's POV:

"Let's get started...." I threw a punch to his face. He was caught off guard and he stumbled, I was hoping he would have fallen but he didn't.

I took the chance to kick him in the balls. Once he was on his knees I kicked him in the head.

I noticed that when I fight I use my legs more than I use my hands, I like fighting with my legs though.

And since I was smaller than my target, I had to catch them off guard.

He was on the ground, I grabbed him by the hair and kneed him in the face.

He was bleeding from his nose and you could see some bruises.

"E-Enzo?" I looked over and saw Conan and Jake watching.

"Oh. Hello!" I dropped him, walked over to them, and gave them a hug!

They looked confused and concerned about the man on the ground.

"Don't worry about him, it's a normal scene." I shrugged.

They didn't look convinced but just continued to look at the scene.

The men that were watching were now helping the man up.


Jake and Conan mind link each other:

Jake: He kinda reminds me of Ezekiel sometimes

Conan: They both have the same temper

Jake: You got that right!


"I still have to wait for James, how are you guys?" I patted them on the shoulder and walked over to the man on the floor.

"...........good?" They both responded.

"Guess you and your crew or my pet's now, as the first command............." I tried to think about it for a moment, I thought about what they should do.

"First, fix yourself up. Second, my father will be looking for me, he looks rich and he'll have men guarding him. It'll be great if you could show him the way to my area." I told them and sat down on my bike, again.

The man on the floor just nodded, I'll have to get his name later.

Conan and Jake followed me. "What happened?" Jake asked while he also got on my bike, I would have usually punch someone off my bike but he seemed like a nice guy.

"He thought he was tougher than me." I huffed out.

I saw Conan pull Jake off the bike by his shirt.

"Sorry about that. Jake thinks that he can do whatever he wants." Conan bowed to me, Conan seems like a really nice person, different from Jake, he was similar to a trained puppy.

"It's ok. You guys seem very nice, otherwise you would have ended up the same as the man on the ground." Just as I said that I saw James's car pull in.

Ezekiel's POV:

I keep trying to find some information about him on our way to his college.

I couldn't find much more than his hospital record.

In the past 3 years alone he's had 59 broken bones, 3 concussions, 25 sprained ankles and wrists, and he has sent almost 70 people to the hospital.

I didn't know if I should be impressed or amazed at how stupid he is to get this many injuries.

"Alpha Ezekiel, we are here at the college. Would you like me to accompany you?" Gabriel asked while he opened the door for me.

Usually, I would have said no, but I didn't know anything about college, so I would need help.

"Yeah. Can you find these classes?" I handed him a list of Enzo's classes.

"I went here once so it shouldn't be that hard." He leads the way and I followed.

I didn't like following but I have no idea where I'm going.


Thanks for reading!

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