Enzo Wants Out

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Ezekiel's POV:


"What Why?" James yelled at mess he pulled me closer to him. It really pissed me off, he could have let me finish.

"God damn it, James! I don't have time for this. Enzo was worried about you and Yuki being followed, which is why I don't know WHERE his at. I need to go check on Yuki." I told him as I pulled my sleeve away from him.

"Conan! Give me your phone!" I yelled to him. He looked confused but tossed his phone to me and I shoved it in his chest.

"Call me when your done." I told him as I pulled my arm away from him.

When I got into the car, I immediately headed to the woods. Back to the direction we came from.

"Ezekiel.....what if Enzo-" Conan was saying.

"His not. Enzo is a strong human, he can handle himself for a few minutes....I hope." I whispered the last part to myself, but I couldn't believe it. No matter how strong he is, his still human.

But for some reason this feeling that I was feeling felt so...familiar.

It made he want to hit everything and everyone I saw.

Narrator's POV:

Once Ezekiel and the others were driving on the road to the direction of the woods, they came across the crash. Ezekiel had immediately stepped on the brakes and everyone came out of the car.

"Enzo!" Ezekiel went running to the car. But there was no answer.

Ezekiel had gotten on the floor near the car to look for Enzo but he wasn't there. Just the unconscious driver, and small traces of Enzo's blood.

"His not here!" Ezekiel yelled. "Damn it!" He slammed his fist against the car.

He was panicking, the feel so becoming more and more familiar. And it was making him into a ticking time bomb.

Conan worked on getting the driver out while Jake was trying to look for something useful. But found something else. The car fire was burning closer and closer to the oil on the ground.

"Get way!" Jake yelled as he quickly helped Conan carry the old man, almost dragged him. "The car, It's going to explode. EZEKIEL!" Jake kept yelling as they carried the old man.

Ezekiel had finally looked up when Jake yelled his name and realized what was happening.

Ezekiel got off the ground and started to run away from the car. Less then a second later the explosion went off.


Enzo was still unconsciously laying in the lap of Zen, who was just staring at him.

"Don't get too attached, we'll have to sell him," on the wolves recommend because he noticed how closely he was holding the boy to him.

"Yeah. Yeah." Zen dismissed him with a wave of a hand.

Then he noticed that Enzo was starting to wake up. He looked closely at Enzo, who was opening his eyes.

As Enzo's conciseness returned, his body felt sore and hut. When he opened his eyes, he could see a blurry face of a person.

"Ez? Where am I?" Enzo had mistaken Zen and Ezekiel. He grabbed his shoulder, and used it to slowly prop himself up. "I feel like I got smashed by a wall...again." Enzo said. His version was still very blurry and he couldn't even see the other people in the car.

Zen thought on his words before he replied, "Do I look like Ez?"

The unfamiliar voice made Enzo stop all his movements. Then his memories what had had happened before the crash surfaced.

Zen could feel Enzo's heart speed up bit. "....who are you?" Enzo said as he pulled his hand away from Zen but he made sure to grab Enzo's wrist before then.

"Zen. But why are you worried about that when you so injured." Zen said as he used his hands to run away some blood on Enzo's head.

"You did this to me," Enzo snatched his hand way.

"It wasn't intentional, the driver was going a little fast," Zen told him.

Enzo started to look around and finally saw the other men in the car.

"Stop the car."  Enzo ordered as he grabbed the door handle but Zen quick took hold of his wrist and held it firmly in the air.

"Unfortunately, I can't do that." As soon as Zen said that Enzo used his other hand to slowly reach down to his boot.

He pulled out his gun and pointed it at the driver. "I'm not asking again! STOP THE GODDAM CAR!" The yelling my his head hurt more but he didn't show any signs of weakness.

Immediately the driver stepped on the break. "Don't move." Enzo said as his hand reached for the car door.

Thank you for reading!!!! 👍

Let me know if their is any spelling mistakes please.

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