Enzo's Father!?

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Enzo's Outfit:

Enzo's Outfit:

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Enzo's POV:

I could hear the faint sound of my doorbell ringing in the distance. I was too tired and comfortable to open that door so I laid there.

2 minutes later.............


They've been ringing for the past 2 minutes damn it!!!

I opened my eyes, put some clothes on, grabbed the gun that was under my pillow, and headed for the door. Before I opened the door I hid the gun behind my back.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DO YOU WANT?" I yelled before I looked at the person waiting at the door.........not who I expected to see.

It was my father's butler, he was the one who would stand and watch while I got beat, his name was luke.

"Before you close the door on me, young master Taiyo, your little brother." My brother? Why on earth would he bring my little brother, Yuki, up?

"What about him?" I asked leading on the door frame. It was getting hard not the point this gun at him.

"Master Eiko would like to speak with you. If you refuse, your little brother is going to pay the price." It was like a bomb was triggered inside of me. Yuki!

He'd hurt Yuki for no reason? Just because I refuse to talk to him!! That no good for nothing father!!!!!

He already took my mother away from me!!! How much more does he want from me???!!!!

It was like my hand moved on its own and the gun was pointed at his head.

"These were the words of Master Eiko, not me. If you want your little brother unharmed, you'll meet Master Eiko at the Masa at 9 o'clock, no later. It is a very expensive restaurant so please wear appropriate clothes." After that, he left. My hand was frozen stiff......

Why? Why does he do this to me?

I lowered the gun that I still had in the air. I quickly closed the door. I could feel myself cry from frustration.

I went to the living room.........James was on the couch sleep......guess I'll go to my room then. I didn't want to wake James up with my crying.

I opened my room door and closed it. Oh.......Ez is still here...I didn't realize.

I decided that I needed some air. I got in the shower, with warm water, put some clothes on, and headed out the door.

I locked the door behind me quietly so I didn't wake James up.

I got on my motorcycle and drove off in a rage. I'd better get rid of some of it before I meet him or else I might shoot him with my gun.

The best place to get rid of all the frustration was my secret spot in the woods that were close by.

The streets were were't as busy as they usually were so I managed to get to the woods pretty fast.

I quietly parked my bike and ran to the woods to find the treehouse me and James built when we were young.

When I found it, I climb the latter. I used the rest of the time to cry, and think.

Why would he want to talk to me? He hates me!

Ever since he found out that I was gay he hated me more than anyone else...So why? Why does he want to talk to me now?

Why would he go through the trouble of hurting Yuki just to talk to me?

It doesn't make any sense.

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