Ezekiel gets a call

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I hope you have a wonderful day!

Enzo's POV:

Once I saw Conan and James coming I grabbed my food that I had left in my bag, "Um......what are the clothes for?" Conan asked as he got off the skateboard and walked to me, James did the same but he walked to the sofa we had.

"Put it on, there's a bathroom inside," I said while I shoved the clothes into his chest and pointed to a door that lead into the 'house' of the garage.

"Um.........I still can't......bikes....." Conan said nervously, I could tell he was thought he was going to race.

"Relax, I'm not going to have your race, this is protective gear, you have to get used to wearing again, If you need help then don't call me, ask Oliver," I said while I grabbed Conan by the shirt, opened the door and threw him inside.

I looked at Oliver and he looked at me like I was crazy, "Don't be like that." I shrugged and went to the couch with James.

"So you're going to get him to ride a bike again?" Jake came to us and also sat on the couch, he sounded excited.

"I'll try. But I'm not going to treat him like a baby." I said while I started to take some food out of the McDonald's bag.

"Can I have some?" Jake asked while I took the nuggets out of the box.

"........." There was just a long silence in the room.

".....Fine," I gave Jake 5 nuggets and a dipping sauce box. "Thanks," Jake said while he took them. I offered James some, but he said that he wanted to sleep.

"So what are you planning to do with Conan?" Jake asked while he started to shove food into his mouth.

"Does Conan still have his bike?" I asked, if he didn't then that means it would be a lot easier for me.

"No, it got destroyed in the crash," Jake responded while he took my coke. I didn't have a problem sharing.

"Good, then I'll give him a bike!" I snatched the coke out of his hands and drank it.

"Why is that good?" Jake looked at me confused, Jake seemed similar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Because Conan will get to fix his own bike, it's a lot more comfortable to get on it," I said.


Conan decided to call Ezekiel, while he changed.

And the Reaper.........hovered over Enzo, like a guardian.

Ezekiel's POV:

"Take me back home," I told Gabriel, I had nothing else to do......

Then I heard my phone ring.......it was Conan.

"Hello?" I said on the phone. Usually, we mind-link each other but if we're too far from each other the mind-link cant reach me.

"I think you may want to come to the track!" Conan said, why would I want to follow Enzo around like a dog.

"Eiko...he..he's coming to the track. Enzo seems excited about it, I'll send the address." I hung up.

I gave Gabriel my phone when Conan sent me the address, "Go there." I said.

The Reaper's POV:

I hovered over Enzo, now that I finally found them I couldn't bring myself to leave. I really missed them. I mean it was 5,000 years ago when I last saw them.

Even though they are in a different life, everything seems the same. Their personalities haven't changed nor their looks, the only thing that's changed is Enzo's race.

Enzo used to be an Elf, and Ezekiel......he was still a wolf.

But if I didn't start doing my job and reaping the dead's souls, then I would get in trouble. So I summoned my familiar, he was a crow.

His name was Chase, and he used to be owned by Enzo.

"Watch them, I'll be back." And then I left.

(Familiars are animals that serve and protect you after you make a contract with them.)


Thank you for reading.

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