Enzo is Taiyo?

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The bold words mean they are speaking in Japanese!!!!!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Ezekiel's POV:

I watched him with great curiosity. The aura around him was different from the last time I saw him. It was like his emotions were gone and the slightest thing could trigger him.

This is going to be a fun day. "Ezekiel, did you know he was coming here?" Jake asked.

I turned my head to the both of them. Conan looked mad about what the girl said. And Jake was just trying to scoot away from the girl. I would have just gotten up and switched seats if I were him.

"No. He did mention that he was going to meet a person by the name of Eiko, not sure who that is though." I said while I was still looking at him.

"Do you know him, Ezekiel?" The girl asked in the softest voice she could manage.

It really disgusting how fake she was acting. First, she sounded like a rude bitch when she was talking about the way he was dressed and now she's acting like she never said any of that.

If father wasn't here then I would have told her off. Though he was just focused on eating his food. It looked like he was thinking, strange

I simply just ignored her question. Then I saw a man in a suit pass by me and walked to Enzo. "That must be Eiko," I mumbled to myself.

I listened closely to their conversation. "Young Master Taiyo, your father is waiting for you in a private room." The man said, so......is he Eiko. I couldn't make their conversation out. It sounded like they were speaking Japanese.

"He's not my father, and Taiyo is not my name!" Enzo jumped off the table and followed the man. Wonder why he's here.

"I remember now! That's Eiko's firstborn son, Taiyo! I believe Taiyo is a first-generation Japanese American." My father said. Guess the man that's in a suit was a butler then.

But isn't his name Enzo?

"I thought his name was Enzo!" Conan and Jake yelled out. Enzo was about to pass us. It didn't look like he saw us.

"Enzo!" I yelled out to get his attention. He looked around to see who called his name but he still didn't see me.

Is he blind or something?

"Overhear, pup!" I yelled again. This time he saw me. He looked shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?" He said as he walked up to me.

"Am I not allowed to be here?" I asked standing up. Enzo backed up a little, it seemed like his mood changed from a cold, and icy one, to a warm one.

"I didn't say that. Also, don't call me pup." Enzo said walking closer to me. Our faces were only inches away from each other.

"Young master Tai-" before the man got a chance to finish what he was going to say, Enzo looked his way.

I could feel Enzo's bloodlust come out. For a small human boy, he really was impressive.

"I mean Young Master E-Enzo, your going to be late to meet with Master Eiko." The butler said in a hurry and bowed his upper body to Enzo. The only word I was able to make out was Enzo.

"Conan text me tomorrow I have something for you," Enzo said to Conan as he walked away from me while he waved his hand.

I could see that Conan was happy. "You can count on me!"

"Are you friends with him?" The girl asked once again.

"You can think of it that way," I took a sip of my drink, and then the waiter came to take our orders.


Thank you for reading!!!!

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