Enzo's Irrational Thinking.

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Ezekiel's POV:

"Fine, but if you cry any more I won't tell you." I walked away and headed towards the tent that James went into.

As I got closer I could hear yelling?

I walked into the tent and saw James and Enzo yelling at each other. James had a pile of clothes in his hand.

"Just wear the gear!" James said as he shoved the clothes in Enzo's chest. Enzo looked pissed and dropped the clothes.

"I don't want to!" Enzo yelled back at James, I never thought they would fight, over clothes.

"Then your not going to race!" James said while he took something from the table, looked like keys, and was walking out of the tent. The aura in here seemed intense.

"Fine," Enzo said in an angry voice while he grabbed the clothes on the floor. He started to take his clothes off and started to put the other clothes on.

"Happy?" Enzo said again while James put the keys back onto the table. That's when Jake and Conan walked in, I guess they felt the aura too because they kept their mouth shut.

"Enzo, you going to be taking care of Yuki, at least take care of yourself," James said while he sat down on the floor.


Jake, Conan, Ezekiel, and James mind-link

Ezekiel: What's Enzo putting on?

James: Protective gear so he doesn't get hurt.

Jake: What's happening?

James: Enzo didn't want to wear his gear, so I took his keys.

Conan: But Enzo always wears his gear, so why doesn't he want to wear his gear?

James: I think it's because of Eiko. He usually thinks irrationally when he's pissed. The last thing he wants is to see Eiko, but he also wants his little brother, Yuki.

Ezekiel: What does that have to do with anything?

James: I'll tell you later.


James got up and put something in his ear.

"Good luck," Conan said as Enzo walked out of the tent and to the track, "Thanks." That was all Enzo said before he made it out of the tent.

We all followed Enzo but we didn't go into the race track like he did.

"James, which teams are Enzo going against?" Olivar asked James.

"He's going against-" James was interrupted by Conan.

"The black wing who is ranked 6th place, the hunters who rank 5th, the Ace's who ranked 4th, the bandits who rank 3rd, and the killers who rank 2nd. The Outcast are ranked in first place." Conan said.

Olivar and James just looked at him with shock, "I don't even remember what places they rank, good job." James smiled at him, Olviar just rolled his eyes.

"Are those the right teams tho?" Olivar asked?

"Yep," James answered.

"Racers, ready, set.........." I could hear the announcer say.


Thank you for reading!

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I can't wait for you guys to get to Yuki, I've been trying to get his character into the story for a long time.

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