The Story of The Past Part 2

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Sorry if this chapter is boring for you guys but the next chapter is good. 🙂


While Enzo slept Ezekiel slowly got closer and closer.

But it's not like Enzo knew that, not only was he sleeping but Elves DON'T have a strong sense of smell.

Elves DO have sharp eyes, and they have the best hearing. They are naturally born with the agility of a full grown alpha wolf, and just like how werewolves can transform, they can too.

Their bodies will turn either blue, purple, or green, a tail with appear, and their hair will turn black. They are much stronger in this form.

Ohhh...and they usually hiss, just like a wolf will growl.

Unfortunately for Enzo....he's a heavy sleeper, which puts his hearing ability in a useless state.

(Let's take a moment to congratulate Enzo for a job well done 👏)

After a few minutes, Ezekiel finally saw the horse and a girl sitting, but he couldn't see where the strange smell was coming from.

Only when he looked up and saw a boy sleeping in a tree with a bird on his head. Elves have never been seen before so Ezekiel thought this was just another human since he couldn't see Enzo's ears.

At the same time that Ezekiel was watching Chase started to wake up, Chase had a hard time opening his eyes but he faintly saw a wolf's tail in the bushes...

He was so scared that he screamed Enzo's name so loud that he was startled awake, he ended up flinging Chase off his head and he fell off the tree.

Enzo's hood came off when he fell and when he was yelling at Chase, his ears slid back. It captured Ezekiel's interest and he unconsciously started to walk to Enzo, while he shifted into a human.

Enzo's ear twitched from the noise that Ezekiel was making. They both stopped all movement. This was the first time Enzo's ever seen an outsider and this was the first time Ezekiel saw an elf.

Enzo only stared at Ezekiel with wonder, they both slowly got closer and closer to each other. Ezekiel, without thinking touched Enzo's ears.

Just then Chase landed on Enzo's head, "You have to hide, they're coming." Chase said while Ren got up and slapped the horse's ass, which caused the horse to speed off.

By 'they' he meant the Royal guard, and the reason Ren let the horse go was to divert the guard's attention.

After half an hour of trying to convince Ezekiel to let them hide in his pack, Ezekiel only agreed on the terms the Enzo told him everything about the Elf race.

Enzo agreed to the terms, so Chase, Ren, and Enzo followed Ezekiel back to the pack.

And that was the beginning of love for the both of them but it was also the beginning of the war between the Elves and Wolves.

When Enzo got to the pack's home, everyone surrounded him and touched his ears. Sometimes his ears would even get pulled on but Enzo didn't mind, since he found that the kids really liked playing with his ears.

He and Ezekiel grew closer and closer as the days passed by. Everyone in the pack grew to like Enzo, for the first time in his life he was actually happy.

Enzo gave them so much knowledge about the Elves, like the location of the kingdom, how to get there, the laws, and he even showed them what their transformation looked like.

He told them everything because he promised that he would but at the same time, the words came out of his mouth like a waterfall. He really did enjoy talking to them, it felt like time passed by 10 times faster.

He'd go on hunts, take care of the kids, and patrol the pack with them. It was like he was one of their pack.

It wasn't long till Enzo was accepted into the pack as one of their own, but since he was on outsiders, there was a special way to be officially welcomed in the pack.

He had to either mate with someone in the pack or cut his hand and interact his blood with another.

Everyone wanted Enzo to go with the first option, many people were lining up to mate with Enzo but Enzo had already had the person he wanted to mate with, Ezekiel.

Later that night they were going at it so hard that some of the picture frames fell, and the kids had to wait outside for a while before they were able to come back inside.

After that Ezekiel marked Enzo as his own mate and he soon became luna.

Word got out about Ezekiel's mate, Enzo the elf, and it reached the elf kingdom faster than wildfire, many people believed that Enzo was forced into it, but Enzo's family knew the truth.

Weeks after Enzo became luna, he found out he was pregnant with Ezekiel's child.

Everyone was so happy and they held a big feast in Enzo's honor.

But the happiness soon faded away from Enzo when he ran into his family while he was on a midnight stroll.

That was the night, that the war between the Wolves and Elves started. It was the night where everything went wrong.


Thanks for reading!

Part 3 and 4 will be posted right after this one

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