Ezekiel's Dream

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*So I'm sure some of you are aware that I was going to do a Christmas Special. However I couldn't come up with any good ideas.....so I'm going to use a website called Picrew and I'll show you what I think some characters look like.

I hope you have a good day!

Ezekiel's POV:

The couch was more comfortable than I thought it would be and it made it much easier to fall asleep.



I was in a forest, I didn't recognize it. The trees were much bigger than the ones in my pack. I was aware I was in a dream but for some reason, the area around me felt familiar.

"Ezekiel!" I heard someone yell.

"Enzo!" I turned around and said, but it wasn't me talking, it was someone else. It was like I wasn't I couldn't control my body or my voice.

When I turned around I saw a beautiful person, it looked like Enzo but........with long black hair, and elf ears.

He looked happy and was smiling, I felt myself reach for his face, but I didn't try to stop the movement, there would be no use.

Why did he call my name out? And why did I called Enzo's name?

I felt like I should know him, maybe that's because he looks like Enzo. I might as well watch the events that are going on.

"Where have you been?!" I heard myself say. He didn't say anything for a while before he grabbed my hand and put it to his stomach, "Can you sense anything?" He asked.

I felt myself concentrate for a little bit before I looked back at him. "A baby?" I replied back but it was more of a question than an answer.

"A baby!!! I'm pregnant!" He jumped up and down and then jumped on me. He seemed so excited, he even started crying.

I could hear myself laughing and I felt excited and happy, "What are we going to name it?"

I felt myself laugh. Even though it was all a dream, even though I knew it was all a dream I felt happy.

Then I began to question, the body I was in, was this supposed to be me?

"We have to figure the gender out first, silly!" He looked at me in the eyes, they were black. Just like Enzo's.

Then just as fast as he came, he disappeared.

All of a sudden he was gone, like he was never there. Then my surroundings changed, instead of the bright forest, it was dark, raining, and cold.

The happiness I once felt was gone. My body started running and yelling, "ENZO!!!!"

I felt the panic of the person that was moving, I felt his heartbreak little by little.

I shifted to wolf form and ran faster.

I didn't understand. Why did I want to cry? Why did I feel like I should remember this?

Why was I running? Why was my heart-breaking? Why did my legs feel like they were burning?


Then all of a sudden I felt myself fall, I woke up and saw Enzo, he had pushed my legs off the couch and sat down.

I wanted to yell but.......for some reason my body didn't let me.

I was mad. I wanted to finish the dream!

But I was scared to say anything, because I could feel myself shaking.

I could feel my heart racing against my chest, I could feel it pounding in my head.

I needed the dream. I wanted to know what happened!

So I did the simplest thing I could. Fall back asleep and hope the dream would come back.


Thank you for reading!!

Have a good day!

And if you have any questions go to the chapter 'Q &A'

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