Rogue Packs?

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(I feel like this part is boring since it's mostly the netting with Alpha Cain. 😔)

Ezekiel's POV:

As I got ready for the meeting with Alpha Cain, Conan, my driver, was helping Jake get ready. James was the type of person to wear PJs to a bar and since we were having a meeting I wouldn't have that.

"Hurry up!" I yelled outside of the door getting impatient. I don't know why but I felt exited about today, I felt like something good was about to happen for me and my pack. I heard the door click, Jake and Conan walked out fully dressed in suits.

"This feels uncomfortable," Jake said tugging at the tie. I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch it!" I said, after we got in the car, with Conan driving of course.

"Why do I have to attend?" Jake said in a voice that didn't sound so pleasant. If he wasn't apart of my pack, I would have killed him already. "I've already explained-your going to be the next beta." I checked the time on my watch.

"It doesn't take a lot of work," Conan said as he rolled down the soundproof window that separated us. "You just have to watch out of Ezekiel until he finds a Luna. Then the only thing you have to do after that is protect the Luna." He added.

"Whatever. By the way, why does Alpha Cain want to speak to us?" Jake asked getting uncomfortable in his seat.

Jake use to care for a lot of things but's a little different. He's just trying to find ways to keep his mind off of his brother.

"He said he wants to discuss the matter of territory borders and the issues with rogues," I said sighing. These types of matters weren't things that were interesting to me, but as Alpha protecting my pack was important so I guess it's not that bad........if I get to drink some liquor.

The rest of the ride was quiet. It wasn't an uncomfortable quiet but relaxing and comfortable quiet.

"We're here," Conan said. Jake and I got out of the car and walked into the bar, while Conan parked the car.

Me and Jake headed into the building. I walked up to the bartender, who happens to be the owner of this place. His name was Otoko. "I'm here for a meeting with Alpha Cain. My name is Alpha Ezekiel." I said. He nodded and opened the door for us to go through. Which led us to a hallway. It reminded me of school. "Also I have another one of my members coming with us." I said as he led us to the room.

"May I please have a name?" He asked. "His name is Conan," I said before he opened a door for us. Me and James walked in.

"Alpha Ezekiel! It is nice to see you!" Alpha Cain said as he walked up to me with open arms. He was a fat man in his middle ages, and very nice, on the outside.

"Same here!" I said hugging him. "I assume you'd like to get this over with as fast as possible?" Alpha Cain asked, laughing. Jake was standing behind me, looking out for any danger. I sat down in a black leather chair, Jake was stilling standing behind me.

(This is just boring matters that they are talking about. It read or don't, your choice!) 🌝
⚠️⚠️⚠️ please read the last part about the rogues.
                              (That part WILL come in later!)

"Alpha Ezekiel, your father took some land from us a few years ago. I'm well aware that this land is yours, now that you are the new alpha, however-" I held my hand up, interrupting him.

"How much land did he take?" I asked.

"He took a mile of territory. I'm sure it was international. Me and my pack were fighting a war and we left that area alone for some time in case some of our pack members needed a place to retreat." Alpha Cain said drinking his cup of liquor that was placed onto the table.

"You can have your land back. I apologize if my father caused any trouble." The door opened and Conan came in. Alpha Cain and his pack all stood up growling.

"He's with me," I said while Colt rushed over to my side, next to Jake. Everyone stopped growling and sat back down.

"What was the other thing about the rogues?" I asked.

"Yes. There has been talk that the rogues are starting to gather into packs. I heard that are........taking overpacks, killing members of the pack. Only keeping omegas and kids alive. Just keep an eye out, is all I really have to say about it." Alpha Cain said. Even though I couldn't see, I knew that Conan and Jake were looking at each other.

"Where did you hear this from?" I asked while Alpha Cain was getting to leave.  "Word spreads around. One of my pack members heard and reported." He said then left.

"Alright. Let's get some drink before we head home!" I got up from the chair and walked out of the room, Jake and Conan followed me.

"Are you not worried about the rogues?" Conan asked while Jake was silent.

"If the rogues are starting to gather up packs and take down others that means they are only at the beginning leave. There are tons of packs that start out that way. They get other confidence and attack a pack they can't defeat. It'll be the same with this. I won't waste resources of the pack if someone lower than me can take them." I said

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