Enzo's Art

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I hope that your day has been good!

Enzo's POV:

It didn't take long before we were in the area. The whole back of the race track was at least one acre. It had to be since there were so many groups. "You can stop holding on to me now," I said as I turned the bike off, we were in my crew's garage, there were at least 15 bikes in here, including mine. The garage was huge.

I guess Jake was scared of my driving. He better get used to it, if he's going to hang around me.

"I'm alive?" Jake looked up and touched his chest. "IM ALIVE!!!!!" He jumped off the bike. Such a drama queen, I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Enzo!" Oliver, one of the members of my crew said. looks like he was fixing his bike. He looked at Jake and raised an eyebrow.

"This is Jake. Jake meat Oliver, he is second in charge after me." I said while I pick Jake up by the back of his shirt and dropped him on his feet.

"N-Nice to meet you," Jake said while tried to regain his balance. "He doesn't look like a biker," Oliver said while he continued to fix his bike, wonder what happened.

"Yeah. He's not the one who will be on the bike. Anyway, what happened to your bike?" I asked while I went to the opposite side of the garage, so get some Protective clothing for Conan to wear. I had to get gloves, a helmet, knee pads, and a jacket that was meant for racing.

"I was trying to practice racing in the rain yesterday but I slipped," Olivar said while he put one of his tools in his mouth.

"While at least the damage isn't that bad," I said and then I saw Conan and James on the skateboards heading over.

Ezekiel's POV:

After a while I made it to the last class, these teachers didn't have any useful information. I heard the same thing over and over again.

He has a great memory, and James is his brother! For every class I went to it was the same!!!!!!

One of the teachers did inform me that College class just started so many of the teachers were getting to know their students.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down... Then I walked into the last class that was on his schedule.

The class had paintings and drawings everywhere, it looked colorful in here, must be an art class "Can I help you?" There was a lady, she looked nice and sweet. She also had this warm aura to her.

"I'm looking for some information from Enzo, I was hoping you could help me." Hopefully, this teacher had some useful information.

"Sure." I walked over to her desk and closed my eyes as she went to look for something in her drawer.

"Are are you close with Enzo?" She asked while she got a folder from the drawer and brought it to the table where I was at.

"Yeah, kinda," I said, I just wanted the information, I didn't want small talk.

"Um....the information I have isn't accurate, you can only guess." It peaked my interests, I opened my eyes and saw a pile of papers, it was all art, though everything looked the same. Maybe most of it were sketches, I guess it was all made by Enzo.

I glared at her, what useful information can a canvas have? I said in my head

"Art can speak more than words, look." She showed me a large canvas, she said it like she read my mind.

It showed a dark night, and it was raining. It had a young boy, holding white flowers, it looked like he was crying. Then it looked like a ghost was floating over, and tried to hug him.

"What does this tell me?" I thought that maybe I could find something, but it was just a piece of useless art.

"It may not look like information but if you look at the grave name, it says Jessica Saito, the ghost that you see is his mother. The little boy is Enzo." She said, I guess that made sense. But I already knew that.

I just nodded, "Well, if you look at Enzo's hand you can see a pill bottle, if you look at his back, you can see blood dripping, if you look at the background you can see James watching. If you look closely at the 'background' graves, you can see that each one of them has a name." I was amazed by what she said, I would have never noticed these small details. I suppose the pill bottles belonged to Enzo's mother.

I looked at the grave they read Dude, Lowell, A shy boy, and Eiko Satio.

"What do these names mean?" I asked. I was a little confused by it. Eiko was alive so why was his name here.

Also, who was Dude? And what did 'A shy boy' mean?

"I asked him, he said that Dude was a dog he once had, Lowell, was his ex-boyfriend, the shy boy was his past self, and he put his father's name is there because they don't have a father-son relationship anymore." It was hard for me to believe that Enzo used to be shy.

"Do you know why they don't have a father-son relationship?" I asked, I had an idea of why they didn't anymore. (Because of Enzo's back)

"Unfortunately, I don't. That's all I can give you, since the new year just started I've only given them one assignment to do. The rest of the papers you see are the papers he use to get his idea's and he also just them as reference for the bigger canvass." I stopped listening to her halfway through.

This was probably more information then I hoped to gain, I walked out of the room without a word and headed for the car.


Thanks for reading!!!

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