The wolf in the woods

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* Sorry for this boring chapter!

But don't worry I have something special for you coming up!

Ezekiel's POV:

My eyes were heavy, I shouldn't have stayed up till 5 in the morning, it was currently 4 p.m.

"Ezekiel are you ok?" Conan asked as I opened the car door. It wasn't a limo this time but a regular car, it smelled like coffee.

"No, we finished smashing at 5 in the morning. Did you have coffee?" I sounded like a zombie but I don't have the energy to talk like I usually do. "Yeah. Here I brought you some." Conan gave me a cup of hot coffee. "Thanks," I said taking it.

Conan always knew what I wanted even before I knew. Guess that's why his my Bond Beta (A Bond Beta is the beta that helps and does everything the alpha tells them to. A regular Beta is the one assigned to protect and serve the luna.)

"I'm going to go to sleep. Wake me up when we're home," I got comfortable in my seat and fell asleep.

7 minutes later...........

"Hey, Ezekiel!" I could feel someone gently tap my shoulder..........I slowly opened my eyes and saw Conan........"We're here." Damn.

I thought I was going to have more time to rest. I got out of the car and headed for the doors of my mansion.

Me and my pack lived in the mountains so that we can freely transform. "Welcome back!!!" The young pack members that were playing outside said. "Thanks" I simply said walking in.

I saw Jake sleeping on the floor in the wolf form. He always liked the cold floor, weird.

I just headed for my room to take a shower.

10 minutes later..........

I got out of the bathroom, put some pajamas on, and laid on the bed. For some reason I had a bad feeling today..............does my father have bad news for me?

I decided it was a waste to think about it so I turned the TV and watched a few episodes of One Piece.

Enzo's POV:

I sat at the edge of the treehouse thinking of Yuki. The last time I saw him he middle school, I think.

Wonder what he looks like now?

I suddenly heard a twig snap, I looked down and saw a wolf.

It was the same wolf that I see every time I came into the woods. It was a dark brown wolf, I've seen it so many time that I even gave it a name, Hawks.

I got off the ground and climbed down the ladder. "Hey, Hawks." When I made it down I wiped my tears away.

Hawks came running into me, knocking me down. His tail was shaking violently, "How are you?" I scratched his head and neck. He was a lot bigger than me but he was always gentle with me.

"Is it ok if I lay on you for a little bit, I'm a little sleepy?" I asked him, he was pretty smart for a wolf. He curled around me and I accepted it. Before I closed my eyes I set an alarm so I wasn't late for today.

I closed my eyes and let Hawk's soft fur take care of me.


Who do you think this wolf is? 👀

Who do you think this wolf is? 👀

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