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Elra, who recently lost her job, is in dire need of money. Well, and because of the tip, she decides to work in a casino as a car master...

Just... the job was actually intended ONLY for men.

We are urgently looking for the casino "Mr. Black Jackson" a car master. If you're interested, please call in at the below number."

"Nick, do you mean this job ad?"

"Yes sweety.. and I swear, you get tons of tips! After 4 weekends, you'll have the money together!", he tried to persuade her.

"And what do I have to do?", she asked for the umpteenth time. She was still unsure.

"Darling I told you, you don't have to do much. When the people came to the casino you grab the key and park their car. And when they come out again, you bring the car back and get your tip. Nothing more."

"You're sure, that the tip is that big? After all, they go in with their full pockets and come out again with empty one..". she said skeptically.

"Oh honey, the people who play in this casino are the higher of the higher society. They have money like a dime a dozen..!"

She still seemed unconvinced.

"But they're looking only for male car masters, otherwise there would be another gender next to it.."

"Oh.. leave that to me. I'll give you a suit and a cap for your pretty head, just like a chauffeur. All you need to do is to stick a beard on your face and disguise your voice a bit... Hmm.. wait..?", made Nick pensive and looked at her features. "Well, that could really work.."

"Hey! What are your trying to tell me?! That I look like a guy?!", she gasphed laughing and punched him playfully on the shoulder.

"Of course not sweetie, you're too sexy for that. But with a full beard no one will question that, because they'll barely look at you, trust me. They're ice cold at this topic! They get out of the car and hand you the key right up your nose. And at the end of the evening, you'll get lots of tips for that.."

"And what if someone "does" look at me?"

"Then you say, that you're still young.."

"I don't know..", she sighed indescisively. He smiled, sat down next to her and took her hand. "I don't feel comfortable with it. What if suddenly the boss bursts in?"

"Elra, he rearly comes to this casino, believe me. And besides, he's in New York right now, to open another casino.."

"Another one?!"

"Yeah, he already has six casinos in Las Vegas and also in other big citys. He's always on the road to collect his money. And when he plans to come, he always calls ahead... and that night you stay at home, ok? Believe me, just one month and you'll have your money together. Babe..", he said while kissing her hand. "I would never put you in danger, if I wasn't sure. I'll by your side all evening and take care of you.."

"I'm still scared, Nick.."

"Of what?! I'm hiring you and no oone will dare to doubt my decision! You are under my protection!"

"OK..but...!", she sighed. "..can I still think about it?"

"Fine by me, but it's really not necessary. What's going to happen? At worst, he'll find out and fire you... but by then, you'll be a few thousand dollars richer..", he winked at her.

Yes, what could happen if Elra gets caught???

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now