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"Damn Nick, I'm still so nervous and so scared that people will realize that I'm not a man.."

"You don't need to..", he waved off. "Believe me, they even don't look at your face. They just hand you..."

"PAH!", I interrupted him. "There were some today they looked at my face and asked me, if I already had driver's license?", and imitated the gentlemen, who just gave me his keys.

"And what did you say?", he asked laughing and looked at me expectantly.

"I'm already 23 sir!", I said on command, just as he taught me.

"You're great my darling! Always with a disguised voice and never look the customer in the eyes..!", he praised me laughing.

Well, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. But still I was nervous, because I wasn't used to such an environment. All these rich people..

Not very handsome, but still well groomed men were here with the most beautiful women in their arms. There were even some who had appearance that could desscribed as good looking, but still too old. They even walked around with a walking stick, each time decorated with the most impossible figures. And even these old men, had beautiful women by their side!

I found that amazing, how stupid some couple were looking. The women next to him was mostly much younger then himself. No normal thinking person will be able to see this relationship as healthy. The woman in her mid-twenties an the gentleman probably already 60!

He could be your grandpa, damn it!

But she seemed completely happy by his side, with her 2 tons of makup and the thick diamond necklace around her neck. Damn.. I never could kiss an old grandpa passionately on the lips for any money in the world...GAG! God forbid..!

But damn, those granpa's gave damn generous tips. It was my third weekend and I already had a lot of money together and luckily, there was also nothing to see from the boss.

I have do admit, that was really not a bad idea from Nick at all. So, if I should survive the next week in one piece, I'll work more often in this casino. At least, when I need money, or maybe before vacation, or just to treat myself something nice. In the long run, it would be just too dangerous.

"Ok, I shut down my Laptop quickly, after that we'll go to our hotel.."

"Why do you want to go to the hotel, Nick? We can also stay at my place.."

"Forget it! I'm not going to drive another hour in the car! Tomorrow evening we have to be here again. Here we can rest a little longer. I've already booked our rooms.."

"Ts.. ts.. since you became the hiring manager, you're exaggerating with yor expenses. When you were in school, you weren't that wasteful.."

"My job is well paid, darling. Every now and then I just treat myself to it. Today you can take part in it, too.."

"Thank you, Nick. But you know, as soon as he finds out that you hired a woman as a man, you will be back to zero in no time!", I laughed.

"Don't say that.. God forbid! Come on.. let's go..", he said laughing and pulled me up from the sofa.

"Ok, if I'm supposed to spend the night in a luxury hotel, then I want to do myself something good.."

"Of course, sweetie. What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to treat me a nice bath with verrryyy much foam... with luxury soap! And don't forget to put the soaps in your bathroom in your bag..", I winked at him.

"You don't need to tell me that, Elra. The first thing I always do is to put the soaps in my bag, I don't use them anyway. They're always yours, but what do you do with all that stuff?", he asked me curiously.

"Nick, that's luxury stuff, I decorate my bathroom with it. I even have some from a hotel in Dubai!", I said proudly.

"And where did you get that?"

"The doctor I worked for was there on vacation. When he asked us what he should bring us, I asked for the small bottles from the hotel.."

"Oh god, the poor man! He had to steal because of you!"

"Oh what, that's not stealing. All guests are doing that. I'm always completely honest by that. I usually ask the workers openly, if I can take that with me. And they always gave me the same answer: I didn't see anything! And that with a smile.."

"At some point they'll check your bag on the door. Then I want to see your face, Elra.."

"Hey, that's not nice! You don't wish that for your best friend..", I said pouting.

"Come on, I'm just kidding! Let's get quickly to our rooms, I am really broken..", he said and helped me out of the car, to pull me straight to the hotel lobby. He asked for our room keys and handed me mine.

"If you are lucky, then your neighbors are nice people. And if you're nice too, maybe you'll get their shampoos, too..", he whispered in my ear.


I pushed him away ran straight to the elevator. I quickly got in, giggled and pressed the button to close the doors.

"Use the stairs..!", I shouted and waved grinning to him, before the doors finally closed.

Exhausted I leaned against the elevator and took that damn hat out of my head. Groaning I tried to arrange my hair again. My poor hair..! I really needed a hot bath!

Damn, it's sometimes unbelievable how much money you could make, just because you were in a different society. 1000 $ in one night! This evening the tip was really good.

Rich people really threw with their money around and that only for a little bit driving.

I should do this job more often..

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now