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"Number 13.. it should be there..", I said and pointed to my house.

"Ok Roy, then wish me luck..", he said energetic and wanted to get out of the car.

"Wait, Mr. Black!", I stopped him. "What if she looks through the peephole at the door and regonizes you? Maybe she even won't open the door at all. Let me go and ring at her door, because she doesn't know me..!"

"God idea, Roy! I really like you more and more young man. Go and ring the bell..!"

So I got out, went to my door, rang the bell a couple of times and waited......... then looked back in his direction. He said I should try again, so I did it.

I rang severel times, looked around and also approached the window to look inside. I shrugged my shoulders helplessly, but he gestured I should try again, and keep my finger on the doorbell.

Does he think I'm deaf or what?!

So I put my finger on the doorbell again, and didn't let it go..... and looked annoyed in his direction. While my finger still on the bell, I sadly shook my had. Finally he got out and asked:

"Is she really not at home?"

"Well, we can still wait. If I press the doorbell a little longer, I'll definitely pierce the wall with my finger. I'll go in and take a look. Maybe she's just sleeping deeply.."

"Come back, you little joker!", he called me with a laugh and waved me over to him.

Grinning inwardly I went to him and got behind the wheel again.

"And.. where do you want to go now? Maybe back to the woman you just let off some steam on?"

He threw back his head and laughed.

"No, we don't need to. Drive back to the hotel..", he said and tapped friendly on my shoulder. "You're even not as much as a greenhorn I thought you were. If you want, we can pick her up for you. She won't say no.. the main thing is, that she get her money.."

"Thank you, Mr. Black. But with all due respect, she just had your private part in her mouth. I could never kiss this woman! That would be like.... well, you know what I mean.. god forbid!"

"Then don't kiss her..", he chuckled. "She should do her job and go.."

"Thank you, but that kind of satisfaction doesn't appeal to me. I prefer the lovely version.."

"Uhhh.. a real dream man! Does our Roy already have a girlfriend?"


"Did you ever had one?"

"Of course! Do you think, you're the only man who gets a woman in his bed?"

"Uhh.. but that doesn't sound very lovely..", he laughed.

"Well, that's what we just call among friends. I could never treat the woman like you did. I respect women.."

"Oh Roy, at your age I was thinking the same way, but after the relationships broke over and over again, you give up hope. It's not that I don't respect women. It's just.... I don't have normal women around me. Most of the time I run into them in the casino, while they stay next to another man who plays. I didn't had to do much for a woman until know. As soon as I flirted with her, she always came on her own. What should I do?"

"Sir..!", I laughed loudly. "With all due respect, but you're a real show-off!"

Again he threw back his head and laughed heartyly.

Damn, he was a show-off, but still to bite!

"Oh, that's not that hard believe me. I'll show you later a few tricks, then you can get any woman you want..!"

"Well.. what's with the woman from yesterday? You didn't get her..", I remembered him again.

"I'll get her too, Roy. I just have to find her..", he said, just the show-off he was.

"Do you want us to go every evening now, and looking if she's at home?"

"No, I'm about to tear Nick out of his sleep and ask, why he didn't tell me that she's not at home.."

"Did you ask him, if she's at home, or did you just hung up as soon as you get her address..?", and saw his puzzled look.

"Ehhh.. I think, I hung up..", he said honestly and laughed out loud.

"Ok, then we'd better let sleep our Nick, so he has a clear head tomorrow. Then he can tell you more preciesly where this Elra actually is.."

"You're really not stupid, Roy. Your brain is working at full speed. I'm sure, after a few years, you'll be a successful buisness man.."

"Thank you, Mr. Black. And may I ask, how you became so successful?"

"I started like you and saved a lot of money over the years. They give really good tips in the casinos! But one day I relized, that I was really good at Black Jack. And one evening I took a risk, and put all my money on the table.... and won! I won more with every round, and in the end I won a casino, by which I challenged the owner himself.."

"Uhhh.. that's a lucky hand, or did you cheat?", I asked cheekily.

"No, I won everything honestly with my brain... As I said, I'm good at Black Jack. I never lose..", he said confidentally and shocked me.

"You never lose?"

"Only if I want to.."

Damn, how did this man always managed to win?!

"You're not working for a mafia or something?", I just dare to ask.

"No, don't worry!", he chuckled amused. "I have nothing to do with something like that. The security guards always take care of that part, but in a legal way. As I said, I owe my fortune to my brain.."

"OK..", and sighed quietly. I was also kind of relieved.

It wouldn't be the first time, that a rich man get his wealth through illegal deals. And thank god, he said he wasn't cheating and had nothing to do with the mafia either!

But then, how the fuck he can win every time?

"Well, will you also tell me the secret of your wealth?"

"No, because I didn't told it anyone.. since today, and won't do it either. Otherwise everything would be over.."

Ok, now I was really curious!

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now