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"Why didn't you change your clothes, yet?", asked Nick suprised as I stormed into his room.

"No time, let's get out of here! I'll change at the casino.."

"Hey sweetie, what do you have?", he asked worriedly.

"Please Nick, just let's go. I'll tell you everything on the way!", I said annoyed. "Hurry up! I take the car keys and wait for you downstairs.."

"Ok, ok. I see you're in a hurry.."

"Exactly! You have 5 minutes!", I said at the door and hurried out of the room.

I ran quickly down the floor and hit the elevator button. I was so afraid that this neighbor would suddenly show up somewhere. I didn't slept all night because of him. In a complete emotional chaos I lay down in the bathtub and stared at the ceiling. Carried away by his appearance, his beautiful smile and that damn dimple on his chin.

This man was visually just the way I wanted. Just his boldness was bad and blew me away.

How can you watch some fucking porn at this volume? I panicked as soon as a... somewhat hot kissing scene appeared on TV. And when it was also full in my living room, I change the channel right away. It just wasn't right to watch that stuff infront of everyone, and certainly not porn. That was private damn, but he didn't care!

I laughed and shook my head. I had never seen anything like this before.

But I had to admit, his handsome face was not out of this world. I could imagine, that he had many women in his life. If I had met him in any other way, I would fallen for his handsome face right away. He was just like in my dreams!

Those long black wavy hair, his dark eyes! Everything about this guy was perfect. Only his way was a bit too.... rude.

After a while Nick got into the car and of course wanted to know, why I was such in a hurry to get to work. I told him about the man last night, that he first invited me to his room to shoot a sexvideo and after that he told me about his still hard penis.

"But god... damn! As rude as he was, his face looked like a dream! Dark eyes with a wild look and pitch long black hair. And you know, I just melt away with long haired man!"

"Yeah I know. Well, then you would definitely like my boss. He has long hair, too..", he said with a wink.

"Maybe yes, but he was different. No men can hold a candle to him in terms of his handsome face!"

"You sound, like you've fallen in love with him.."; he chuckled we waited at the red light.

"I swear, if he wouldn't be such a show-off, I would really fall in love. But his outrageous manner is definitely not my style. Nevertheless his handsome face will shape me for a long time..", I said dreamily.

"Ohh.. I'm really sorry for you..", he laughed and stroked over my cheek. "If you want, we can spend another night in the hotel. Then you can see him again.."

"Thank you, but better not! I'm sure, when he sees me again, this time he'll step in front of me without a towel. Then I'm definitely lost!"

"So what? Sometime it has to happen, Elra.", he said and laughed. "How long du you want to save yourself for the right man, where you're not even sure when he will come?"

"I don't care, Nick. I'm in no hurry, he will come.."

"That you can actually take it for so long. Don't you ever feel the need of a man?"

"I have you! When I need cuddles, then I cuddle with you. That's enough for me.."

"You are also the only woman, who's allowed to lie in my arms like this. If my boyfriend would see that, he would leave me, immediately!"

"That's not true! He also didn't say anything when he found out that we kissed as children, he just laughed..!", I remembered him.

Yes, those were times when I exchanged my first kissing experiences with Nick. We were young back then, an he didn't came out as "gay" either.

"We're still doing it today..", he giggled and winked at me.

"That's just a short kiss on your lips. You know, the way I usually keep the men off my neck.."

"Yes you virgin bitch! You're really taking advantage of me.."

"Of course! And when we were young, you took advantage out of me. You always draggedd me into a corner and wanted to smooch around!", I giggled.

"Hey! Don't say that so loudly in the casino! They think I'm womenfree.."

"You're crazy..", I giggled and gave him a big smack on his lips, as we waited at the traffic light again.

"Elraaa, stop that! Bäääähhh!"

I laughed out loud an hugged his shoulder. I just liked this guy. Since I was a child he was always by my side and had helped me in so many situations. At school he helped me with my homework when I didn't unterstood something.

I had my first kiss experiences with him..... until one day he moved to another city with his parents.
But one day, he came back as a young man again, and as gay. But when we after years apart, collided by chance with the shopping trolley again, we immediately regonized each other and hugged warmly. As if this seperation time never happened.

And today he also helps me when I have problems, like this job after I lost my own one 2 month ago. I actually worked as a doctor's assistant in a practice. But when the doctor retired and the new one brought his own crew, I was without a job in no time.

Well, I had my wages, but they're almost over and I didn't want to accept Nick's help, at least not financially. You can't ask every time your best friend, just because you know he has enough cash. Therefore he offered me this job, which was really promising, at least financially.

"Well, go and change in my office, before the first guy comes. I'll bring us a coffee. We still have time enough, before the hustle and bustle starts again..", he said as we parked at the casino Mr. Black Jackson...

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now