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I woke up next morning and found myself in the bathtub. Damn, since a week I was in a luxury hotel but I couldn't enjoy it!

Why does he always have to watch his porn so loudly?

Ok, after yesterday he couldn't get what he was hoping for, I could understand that. But that wasn't my fault at all.

"I told you that from the bginning!", I mumbled to myself while I put my clothtes on. Actually I wanted to knock at Jackson's door right away, but suprisingly he was already standing infront of my door, and that with a big grin on his face.

"Well, I see you're feeling better this morning::", I said boldy and winked at him.

"Oh yeah, I feel really good. And... are you ready and fit for the new day?"

"Always boss!", I saluted.

"Ahhh.. wait! I didn't give you your wage from yesteray. We don't have to forget that..", he said, took the envelope out of his jacket to put it in my hand. It was again more like yesterday!

"Boss, why do you put always more money in the envelope? I don't do much.. and yesterday I was not even here..."

"I know, but I yelled at you, even you had nothing to do with my anger. See it as an apology for yelling at you.."

"You're really exaggerating boss. If you want to give me money for every fart, then gibe it to people who need it more. I've saved so much the last weekends, and now the few days with you. It's enough, really. I don't want that."

"Please Roy, it's not a big deal, really..", he said, stuffing it into the insidepocket of my jacket. "You remind me so much of myself. And I know, how much I needed it back than... so shall we go?", he said and pushed me to the elevator.

"You used your brain in Black Jack boss, an I just steer a little bit..", I said pouting.

"Believe me Roy, sometimes I also had moments where my oh-so-great brain didn't works. There are sometimes things that I miss..!"

"Never boss, you are a very smart man and the woman love you. By the way, how did diner go with Miss Elra? Did she gave in this time?", I asked, so I could know what he planned next. But I think, he didn't hear me, he seemed to far away with his thoughts, so different like I was used to him. He somehow seemed sad. Did my rejection hurt him that much?

I mean, the man who yesterday yelled at me angryly was gone. As someone pulled his nerves out overnight.

"It went well..", he sad dryly and walked out of the elevator with quick steps. I hurried after him and opened his door. I wanted to close it again, but he did that hisself... or let's rather say he closed it with he loud noise. Ok, then he was still angry?

I got behind the wheel and turned to him.

"Where are we going today?"

"We'll drive to my hut in the mountains, it will took us a while to drive. I want to rest their for a few days.."

"Ahh ok, and should I stay with you too, or drove back again?", and started the engine.

"Well, I actually had planned to invite Elra over. I'll call her from the hut.."

When she answers the phone, of course.

"But before she comes, I want to prepare some things for her. Can you help me?"

"Of course boss, but only on one condition.."

"And that would be?"

"Please... no more money, boss! I'll help you with this for free, okay?!"

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now