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I really planned to kill this man, if he would dare to say something after the woman was out of the car. But his luck, he didn't say anything and after a while my desire to kill him was gone either. Curiously I looked at the mirror and watched him every now and then. His head was still leaning against the seat an his eyes were closed.

As much as he devalued the womans "work", it seemed like he was completely out of breath. I couldn't help really, otherwise I would burst!

"Broken what?", I asked whit a cheeky grin.

He immediately raised his head, and grinned back at me.

"A bit yes, but it was urgently needed."

"Couldn't that have waited until to the hotel?", I asked laughing and saw how he moved closer to me.

"Another important rule: Listen carefully. I said at the beginning that I didn't intend to take her to the hotel.."

"And why not? She was so willing.."

"That's also her job. She was just looking for more money.."


"Yeah, and besides.. tonight I've planned another woman in my bed..", he said, leaning back at the seat again.

"What.. another one?! You already had one!"

How many women did this guy have in one day?!!

"No, she's something different. I'm keen on her since last night.."

Ouch.... last night???

"W-Why? What happened last night?"

"I don't know. She appeared out of nowhere and knocked on my door in the middle of the night.."

Oh.. he was talking about me!

"Why?", I asked curiously and wanted to know if he's going to tell the truth.

"To knock me out of my senses!", he said passionately and closed his eyes again.

Honestly... I had to smile.

"How does a woman knock a man out of his senses, boss?", I asked giggling.

"Did you never had something like that before?! Damn, she's just perfect! Beautiful long hair, angelic face and big angry eyes! Even though she was wearing such boring pajamas, she was the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Yesterday she didn't respond to my invitation, but today she won't get away with that.."

I took a deep breath and wish I could thank him for his words.

"Do you give her money for it, too?", I asked, so he kept talking about me.

"No, she's not a prostiute, she definitely didn't looked like one. She rather looked like an angel..."

Awww! May I cuddle you...?!

"That sounds like you fell in love, boss..", I asked and waited eagerly for his answer.

"Oh no!", he actually said and my eyebrow hushed up doubtfully. "You should also know one thing about me, young man. What's your name again?"


"Ok Roy.. I don't fall in love with a woman. I see her, if I like her, I get her. And after a while, everyone goes his own way again.."


"Well, the woman last night, she didn't bite in..", I giggled softly.

"Because I didn't really try it. She caught me so unexpected and just blew me away. But she'll bit in tonight..!", he winked with a playfully grin.

Damn show-off!

"Maybe you don't persuade her again?"

"Oh don't worry, Roy. Because yesterday she scanned me with her eyes and liked what she saw. I'm sure I won't need long to get her into my bed tonight..", he said confident.

This damn guy gushes over me, but says he would never fall in love! You can wait a long time, you damn show-off! Try to get me in your bed, asshole! Of course, only if you find me I thought amused.

I didnt said anything until we got to the hotel. I parked the car and opened the door for him.

"Let's go to the lobby I book a room for you too. Then you can drive me tomorrow straight back to the casino. Wayne.. usually my driver is not in town at the moment. You'll drive me around until he comes back again. Of course, I'll pay you extra for that time.... come..", he said and went ahead.

Oh god... I should drive him around?

But wouldn't that be dangerous to stay in the hotel?

What if he calls me in the middle of the night to leave in a hurry?

Not a good idea at all.

"Mr. Black, you don't need to book a room or pay it just for me. I really didn't mind picking you up tomorrow."

"Don't worry Roy, I'll not pay anything, because the hotel also belongs to me.."

"Oh..", I just said and went after him.

He leaned down at the front desk and stroked over the woman's cheek.

God almighty! Is there still a women, he didn't nailed?!

"Hey sweetie.. is the lady from yesterday in her room, yet?", he asked her with a seductive smile.

"I don't think so, Mr. Black. Because she checked out before she left this afternoon.."

"What?! She's not here?!, he asked with a suprised look.

Heheheehehe.. I think that won't work out today with persuading, Jackson!

But of course I also made a suprised face.

"She's not here?!"

"No..", he grumbled and turned back to the lady. "Did she left some name, adress or maybe a phone number?", he tried his luck in vain.

"Let me check......ehm.. what was her name?", she finally asked.

"Ehh.. I don't know.."

I laughed shortly and shook my head.

"Maybe next time you should ask for her name, before you invite her in your bed, boss..", I whispered in his ear giggling.

"Ok, the room was booked by Mr. Nick Johnson. Maybe you'll find her through him..", she said and his eyes literally lit up.

Shit..... I had to call Nick before him!

"You mean the Nick at the casino?"

"Yes, Mr. Black.."

"God, I had the solution in front of my face the whole time, just didn't know it! Ok, at least I know now where to ask next. Then please book this room for my driver, Roy. And next time, I want you to write down, who stays in this room. Including their name and phone number. Even if they are not the payers.."

"I'll do it, Mr. Black. here are your keys...", she said and handed me the same key, that I had given her back this afternoon. I just smiled in her direction and fastly turned around again, so that she didn't regonize my face. We drove up with the elevetor and I was about to went to my room, as he stopped me.

"Tell me Roy, I didn't tell you which hotel we were going to. Where did you know it was this one?", he asked behind me.

Shit... I didn't think of that at all!

But luckyly I came up with an exuse.

"Nick told me that during our interview.."

"Ahhh.. ok..", he said and I nodded slightly.

"Good night, Mr. Black.."

"Good night, Roy..", he said with a smile and I quickly dissapeared behind my door.

That could have ended badly, Elra..!

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now