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"Did Jackson get in touch with you?", I asked Nick on the phone again. Actually a daily routine of mine since a week, and sometimes several times in a day.

"No Elra, he didn't get in touch..", was the answer he always gave me. "You're probably right, he found another woman and forget you long ago..."

O-Ok, that was new. That, he didn't said until now.

"Ok..", I said quietly and tried to swallow the knot in my throat. That really felt like a stab in my heart... and hurt.

I know, I never had such big expectations from him and said from the beginning that it with Jackson wouldn't lead to anything serious, he aslo told me that often enough. Even though he later promised me different, still I didn't took it seriously. I knew, someday he would lose interest in me, but so soon??

I mean, also when I not really believed him, today when I looked back again, I suddenly realized that I had somehow believed him.... a bit. At least for the moment he was very convincing!

Jackson would never just say that to a woman, I mean he didn't need to. He didn't even need to go without sex for days and yet he did it, for me! Because of some blisters on my feet and that was really something that never happened. He cooked for me, pampered me and tolerated many things for me as a woman, that he probably never did with other woman either... well, I think!

He said that his feelings for me were more than just a liking!

God, could it really be, that he meant everything seriously?

Did he really felt more than just liking?

Well, today somehow everthing felt different, like it was really meant that way. God, just thinking about his last words.

"I don't know any other women, only you.."

Ok, if he really meant all this seriously, then I just made a big mistake. I ran away from the hottest man that would ever come across my way again and pushed him with my own hand!

I was the biggest idiot mankind would ever see again! And who knows??

Maybe one day, you'll see him again at the mall when he deposits his money! Maybe in a restaurant, where you'll eat your meal, with not-a-so-hot-man. While Jackson, still so handsome will eat there to.... with a beautiful woman by his side! And to you, he won't even look, because you hurt him so much, while you will look at the woman nextt to him, burst with envy and say to yourself:

"That could have been also you!"

Damn, where should I knew, that he meant everything seriously!!

He didn't even contacted me to convince me of his feelings, or just to ask why I ran away without saying anything! Then I wouldn't have only gave in, but jumped around his neck and apologized to him over and over again, just said that I was an idiot! And then I would have eaten him up!

God, I missed this man so much!

His scent, his laughter, even his outburst of anger would be welcome to me. He was loud, yes, and did things that a normal person wouldn't immediately do. But under these circumstances would his behavior completely understandable to me.

But the most thing I missed was his sexy lip bite, which was also the reason for eating him up right away. And when I thought about our last night, so careful not to hurt me, but forgot it constantly and touched me harder againl

"Sorry..", he apologized then every time, kissed the spot he hurt and massaged it gently afterwards. I missed this robust man, who always tried to be tender with me...!

He always saw me as a special woman and also treated me that way, while I constantly ignored everything of it. God, when time went by you start to realize what you're really missing. You get smarter and start to look at everything from a diffrent perspective. You started to see things, you didn't saw before and realize how stupid your behavior actually was.

Yeah, but if everything he said was meant honestly, where was this man, damn?!

Did my leaving left him really that cold?!

Where was his anger, because I left him without saying anything, or even because I tricked him again. I think, that would be the way he would call it. His holding back, just drove me crazy!

Even Nick said at the beginning that he fell in love with me.

"Nick, please..! We're talking about Jackson, he doesn't fall in love, he has every day a differnet woman and is also very happy with it! You always say, he gets the most beautiful women! And then he should choose me among all of them??"

"That was right sweetie, but in the end he fell in love with my, Elra..", he said lovingly.

"You're wrong Nick. You didn't saw how angry he was, when found out who was really behind Roy's face. I can understand that he after that still wanted me in his bed, but not that he fell in love.."

"And why not? He's also just a man who has a weakness for beautiful women, and a heart too like any normal human. He was never with a woman for as long as he was with you and you say, he even wanted to be with you longer, like in anormal relationship!"

Of course, that didn't convinced me either and I kept finding something new to convince him of the opposite!

"Ohh you're really stupid Elra, if he had such bad intentions, he would have told you that. Why should he hold back on this, when he initally confessed much worst things to you, like that he wants you only for his bed?"

"Yeah, that's right again..", I sighed quietly and was a bit confused. But that Nick could be right, I didn't thought a moment for that. "Still..", I said stubbornly. "If it wasn't that, then it was something else he had in his mind! Now stop annoying me!"

Yes, I didn't believed him either. But now, the longer time passed and Jackson didn't get in touch, the more I felt like I'd screwed everything up. What would have happened if I had didn't run away?

Well, at the tempo he was changing his opinions, who knows?

Maybe he would have confessed his love, too?

Where are you Jackson??

Then finally!

This time, after 9 1/2 days Nick called me early in the morning.

"Elra, I have a big problem!", he shouted directly into the receiver.

"What's wrong? Why are you so excited?"

"Jackson got in touch, and he's in a very bad mood!"

"Really?!", I squealed with joy. "What did he want from you? Did he ask about me?", I asked excitedly and couldn't stopped grinning.

"Oh yes, he did! He said, if I don't bring you tonight to him, then he'll not only quit my job, he'll also make me a mountain of debt! Please Elra, if he does that, it will ruin me! You have to go to him!"

Ohhh, he seemed very angry! He threatened Nick with a mountain of debt and quitting his job! Yeah, that was my Jackson!

"And where should you take me?"

"He'll be at the casino tonight at exactly 6 pm. He wants you to be in his office before he comes.."

"Ok Nick, don't worry. He won't make you any debts, nor will you lose your job. I'll talk him out of it again..", I said so he could calm down again.

"I hope so, too. Ok sweetie, I'll drive you to the casino, so be ready when I pick you up. I don't want to piss him off because of that, too.."

"Ok, I'll be ready Nick. See you later..", and quickly hung up the phone.

Oh my god, finally he wanted to see me!

"I have to get pretty..!", I thought and quickly ran into the bathroom.


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