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Jackson's view

"So now we're undisturbed. Will you come to me, or should...?"

"How.... we're undisturbed..?!", she interrupted me. "And who is that at the steering wheel? A robot?!"

I was really about to lose my patience.

"That's the fucking driver, damn! He pays attention to the road, and not to the back seat, what by the wayy is too far away.."

"Forget it, I knew a lot of films where the driver watches the whole thing... mostly!"

Yeah, I knew someone ther too, but I'd rather not tel her that.

"So what? It's just a kiss.."

"No Jackson, not here in the car. We're not alone.."

"Well, then we drove straight to the hotel, and then nothing will stop me..", I sait and looked annoyedly otu of the window. But actually she had even something against that!

"I won't come to the hotel with you, Jackson. I'm not stupid! You'll drop me off at my front door and then you will get your kiss as a thank you, for the nice evening.."

"Hmm.. are you going to invite me for coffee?"

"No..", she said snottyly.

Damn, she get more and more bitchy! I just knew the way I'll get her. I was about to go over to her, but she panicked and stopped me.

"Stay in your seat! I swear, otherwise I'll jump out of the car!", she threatened me and grabbed the door.

Was she really serious? Just because of the fucking driver she doesn't wanted to kiss me? Or did she actually wanted to provoke me? I thought it was rather the second........ WHAT?!

"Close the door... IMMEDIATELY!", I yelled at her and suddenly the car stopped, whereupon I landed on my seat again.

"Are you ok, Mr. Black?", the driver asked through the intercom and Elra still looked threateningly.

"Yes, everything ok, just keep driving. First we drive Miss Elra to her appartment..", I heard myself say and just couldn't believe it.

"Ok, but your door is open. Please close it.."

Finally she closed the door again and looked at me uncertainly.

"Done..", i said without taking my eyes off her.

What kind of woman was that, damn?!

I knew, that she wouldn't jump off the car, she was just too cowardly for that, but i couldn't risk it either. She was nagging around, just because of a fucking simple kiss! What will she do, when I sleep with her, damn?

For the first time I felt an insecuritiy inside me. That looked like I would lose tonight too, and go alone to bed. She didn't talked the whole drive and just starred out of the window. She sat there... her legs pinched together. Probably with the fear, that I would made the sweet threat from the restaurant true. Both legs streched to the side in their full nakedness. Damn, I couldn't even look into her underwear, even though they were lying aroung naked, and that with a skirt length that just reached the middle of her thighs.

No woman could ever do this to me. Bossing me around, wapping me around her pinky finger, or making me dance infront of her damn nose!

Fuck... you're definitely starting to slack off, Jackson!

Elra's view

I felt his stabbing eyes on me and had already a stiff neck, from constantly looking in the same direction. I just didn't dare to look at him. I knew he was boiling with anger and just tried to keep himself in control.

God, just what I wanted was a damn kiss!

I still wanted it, but was also afraid.

And after what felt like an eternity, finally I saw my appartment and my heart began to race again. I lowered my gaze and looked embarrassed at my lap. Soon he will kiss me...!

I was about to get out of the car, but Jackson stopped me.

"Wait..", and pressed the intercom. "Please park the in distance. When I'm ready I'll find you..", he actually said. A kiss doesn't took that much time, damn! What was he up to?!!

I just got out of ther car an hurried to my door to unlock it.

"If you dare to dissapear behind this door Elra, then I swear I'll break the door and get what I've been entitled to since the first day.."

I didn't planned that at all. I just wanted to open it, so that I could quickly esacpe after the kiss. I didn't wanted him to see my pleasure for him.

"I won't run away..", I said turning back to him. "I keep my promise.."

"Right desicion..", he said and stopped few inches infront of me.

I thought he would kiss me right away, but just what he did was staring at me.

Why was he not kissing me?

Was he expecting me to make the first step?

Well, with his espectant look i couldn't imagine anything else. Ok, he already said yes and amen to everything, then at least I should take the first step now.

I approached and looked at him uncertainly. I mean, it wasn't that I couldn't kiss, but somehow I didn't seem to remember it, right now. I couldn't kiss this man like we were hidden in the schoolyard.... or? Shit...

I went a little closer and stood on tiptoe to reach his lips, but he slightly backed away."

"What?", I asked a little confused.

"Nothing.. I'm waiting.."

So I tried again.

I approached him, tried to reach his lips to kiss him, but he repeated his last move and pulled his lips back again.

"Are you kidding me?! I think you want me to kiss you! Why do you keep pulling away, damn?!"

"Can't I play with you too? Just like you did with me all evening?"

"Then not, damn!", I hissed at him and was about to dissapear into my appartment, when he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall again.

"I said... don't dare...", he whispered then in my ear.

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now