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Jackson's view

"Where's fucking Ken?!", I muttered annoyed.

I paid almost every week a fortune in his bank, but still he let me wait. I should change the bank, damn...

"Jackson my boy, how nice to see you again?!", he greated me with a big smile, while he came into his office.

"Yeah.. really nice. Ken.. next time I would love it, when I don't have to wait that long. I'm a very busy man.."

"Sorry my son, but one our ATM's was broken into, and I had to call the cops. They just left. You know....!"

"Fuck..!", I burst out and just ran out. "I'll be right back, dad!"

"But Jackson..", he started but I ignored him, because Elra was just walking past the bank!

I ran through the people and looked desperately for her. Cautiously I looked into the crowd, searched for the color of her dress that was yellow and so shiny.......... until I actually spotted her in one of the boutiques. Damn, I knew there were hidden hot curves under those boring pajamas. Uhhh.. a really sexy butt!

She didn't saw me and was also so focused on looking at the dresses, that she also didn't noticed that I was coming. This dress shaped her sexy hips just for her advantage. I couldn't hold me back and expectantly with a scream on her part, I stroked over her sexy hips.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!", she exlaimed and at the same time, slapped my hand away. Her eyes widened when she regonized me and took a step back. "You again?! What are you doing here?!", she started again, but then quickly looked around. She noticed, that she had screamed a little too loud. "What are you doing here?", she hissed this time softly.

God, how can anger look so good on a woman? And she didn't have an ounce of damn makeup on her face!

"I have buisness to do and was in the middle of a meeting, when I suddenly saw the sunrise in the mall.... and followed her."

Uncertainty flickered in her big brown eyes but that didn't last long. Immediately her brows get angryly together again.

"And then you came to grab my bum?!", she shouted vigorously at my face.

This damn scent, that came out of her was just intoxigating. To see her beautiful face so up close bewitched me and I touched her cheek, and saw how she twitched briefly.

"It's just your cheek..", I said and stroked over with the back of my hand... it felt so velvety. "You are so beautiful, Elra.."

And I really meant what I said. Her soft facial features, this cute nose in the middle of her face that seduced you to poke at... this velvety cherry lips. Everything about her looked like god had worked on with great attention to detail. And I saw the relish in her face, while I ran over every inch of her beautiful skin. I know, she won't be able to resist me for long. Slowly she opened her eyes, and looked at me again.

"Where do you know my name?"

"Nick Johnson, he works for me in the casino.", I said and saw how she widened her eyes in suprise.

"You are, Mr. Black Jackson..?!"

"For you, I'm only Jackson beauty.."

She looked into my eyse and seemed to searching for something.

"What do you want from me, Jackson?"

I smiled and leaned down at her ear.

"I want you, Elra.."

She twitched back again and then moved to the side.

"Let me guess.. you want to shoot a video with me?"

"Why not?", I laughed. "Then at least I'll have something to watch when you're not around.."

She laughed and shook her head. Then she took a step towards me and came damn close to my lips.

"Do I look like a whore over there, or is that your damn insolence, that you have the guts to see every woman that way?"

"I know you aren't, but damn when I look at your hips, the only thing I can think about is to fuck you.. and I would offer you a fortune, just for a couple of nights.."

"Really?!", she asked with shining eyes.

"Yeah.. how about we start tonight, or even now?", I suggested to her and just wanted to take a taste of her cherry lips. But she backed away and slapped with a quick move in my face, and that in the middle of the boutique.

"No.", she said calmly and turned around to went out of the boutique.

Oh no, I know you want me!

Maybe she wants more money?

I'll ask......... oh god, the bank director, my money!

I ran out of the boutique and saw Elra walking with a sexy hips swing further away.

"Ohh this woman, be sure I'll take a look at your beautiful hips! This time you don't get away from me..!", and ran right after her.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back with me.

"Let go of me!", she yelled and tried to pull her arm away.

"Don't worry, we just go to the bank. Because I have to..."

"You damn asshole!", she said angryly and shook my hand away. "I don't want your money, and certainly don't want to have sex with you either..!", and took defiantly her way to the exit again. I chuckled softly and ran after her, but this time to toss her over my shoulder.

"Heyy! Let me go!"

"No, I tried it in a nice way! This time you don't get away from me!"

"Heeeeellpp!", she yelled through the mall, wriggled with her legs like a toddler so I have to tame them with my arms. How much longer was she going to scream like this, damn?!

First the people in the mall and now the people in the bank were watching us, damn. I smiled and gave them a slight nod to shew them, that everything was ok.

"Please help me! This is a madman! He wants to kidnapp me!", she shouted to the people.

"What?! That's not true! I just want to do you good! And I left damned 10 Million in the office just because I saw you, after two days again! The bank direktor will proof it to you!"

"What happened, Jackson?!", I saw Ken runnig towards me.

"Nothing.. I just want to deposit my money and get out of here...!", I said annoyed and put Elra next to me on the chair. I threw myself on the other seat, and groaned inwardly.

This woman really pulled on my nerves...!

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now