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Jackson's view

It was still boiling inside me. I just couldn't believe that this prudish woman had tricked me. The whole night I pulled me together, to not to grab her hair and tear her out of her deep sleep. After I took her cap off, I saw that she pinned up her hair with several clips. How she did manage to stay with so much stuff in her head the whole day, was a miracle to me.

I pulled them one by one out of her hair, and let her hair fall into her back. She always complained about, that they wouldn't look good after the long day under the cap, but damn it, like she said. It was a bit damp in some parts of her head, but the rest of her hair was still velvety soft and shining.... and dry again in no time!

God.. her scent was still clinging at my nose!

And - I didnt - like - that - at - all!

Damn woman, she tricked me for days and still tried to keep lying. I didn't care if she was right or not, or wanted it or not. She had always the opportunity to tell me the truth!

I mean, what whould I have done?

First I would be angry yes, but never like this... without this damn pain in my chest!

She was really bad and not prudish!

The only thing she was to being sneaky. First she shows up in moments where you never would count with such a beautyness, and then made you look for her for days... although she was next to you the whole time! God, my brain was about to explode.

How could she just tricked me, with such a simple disguise?!

I definitely had to think of something for her. She won't get away with that so easyly.

"Jackson!", I heard her actually from the bedroom.

God, just by hearing her voice I got goosebumps!

I ran upstairs an found her still sitting on her chair. Well, I could see, that she actually tried to break free. The rope that I tied arond her arms, was quite out of place.

"Why are you screaming?"

"Please Jackson, let's talk. I don't want to be alone. Why did you bring me in this hut?"

"Yeah, you would like to know that, wouldn't you? But honestly, I don't know it either. There are so many torture methods going through my head. I just can't decide which one to use on you.."

"What? Y-You want to... tor..ture me?", she asked the latter quietly.

"Yes, just torturing not kiling, don't worry!", I said and laughed when I saw the slight panic in her eyes. I leaned down to her. "Killing would be too fast and painless.. too easy. But torturing.. as the name says, slow and painfull. But still I don't know, if I should use physical torture on you or rather psychological. Which one do you prefer?", I asked her and had to smile, when she opened her eyes again.

"Are you serious, Jackson?"

"Oh yes, I never was this serious in my life. You'll find it out soon enough.", I said and was about to go down, but then I remembered something and turned around again.

"What?", she asked right when I went back to her again. Wher was the fear in her eyes, damn?!

"I just thought, for a prisoner you're much too comfortable. That you're just sitting there, so.... painles, doesn't give me peace. I didn't brought you here, so that you could make a nice trip.."

Elra's view

What the hell was he up to?!

He stood infront of me with legs apart, and folded his arms together.

"Does the rope bother you?"

"Honestly yes, you tied it a bit tooo tight. It's about to cut into my flesh..", I said with the hope he would take them off, but it seemed he didn't cared about.

"Really?! Let me see!", he said eagerly and his hand landed on my shirt in no time. He forcfully pulled it out off my shoulders. I hissed as the rope cut deeper into my flesh.

"Jackson please! That hurt!"

Fastly he ran to the next drawer and took something.....out!

A knife??!!

"Wh-What are you going to do with it?"

He crouched next to me and ran with the knife down my arm.

"I'll free you from your shirt..", he said and went with the knife back again. He just stuck the knife in the fabrik and cut it. I thought I was going to feel the knife at any moment but nothing happened. Just the place where he rip my shirt, cut in my arm.

"How - tight - did - I - tie - you - up - damn?!", he gritted through his teeth, while tugging each time at the fabric. I cried out in pain, but he just ignored me.

He did the same with my undershirt and I tried to swallow the pain down. He looked at the blodstains at the fabric, and throw them each time away.

"Oh.. some spots are a bit bloody..", he said with a fake sadness. And then his eyes lit up again and a cheeky grind curled his lips. "But here, the rope couldn't do anything..", he said more to himself, while he rn the knife over my bra.

"Please Jackson, this will only make it worse. It does..", I just shut up when I saw the look in his eyes.

"It have to hurt, Elra. Because the more I hear your cries of pain, the more it will calm me down.."

"What?", I asked a bit confused.

"Well, take care of you, cause the more you move the more it's going to hurt. I'll go down to the kitchen and make me something to eat. I'm really hungry.."

"Can you bring me something... too?", I asked and didn't ask any further. He turned to me and looked like I was joking. Damn, he can't be serious! "M-Maybe.. some water?", I tried my luck.

"You'll get something, but only when I want it.", he said coldy and just walked away.

"What?! You want let me starve?!", I yelled behind him. He can't do that, damn!

"Don't worry, you'll get enough to survive..", he yelled back.

"Oh god.. please help me.."

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now