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This man was really annoying me with his constant "you're gay" manner. He just thought that he was the smartest human beeing, but doesnt sees that I'm a damn woman.

Ok, my disguise was damn good, only my cap made sometimes problems, but to my luck it went well so far.

And after he saw me kissing Nick on the lips today, he was not to blame when he thought that I could be gay, either. Damn, who knows what else he heard during aour conversation. I was really not sure, if Nick said my name or about what for things we talked...... oh, it was my hair!

That's why he got this new cap for me. He noticed that I was hiding it from him and now he wanted to see them. Oh God.. this new cap was just too small. I won't be able to hide my hair in this cap. I just had to think of something...... but suddenly he knocked on the wall again.


"Please... can you massage my head? This headache won't go away..", I heard him say sadly.

I got off my bed and ran back to his room.

"If you not call me gay again..?", I asked after I got in his room again.

"Roy, right now I don't care which gender you prefer. As long as you don't rape me. Just help me get ride of this headache..", he said pleadingly.

I laughed and put a pillow on my lap.

"Put your head on the pillow.."

"Thank god, I just thought I had to put my head on your cock..!", he still joked around and made me giggle.

"Don't worry boss, you're leaving me icecold."

"Well, I'm really happy about that! I thought I had to defend my innocence..!"

Ok, for my liking he thought too much for his headache. And then I actually saw the bulge in his pajamas.

"So.. with all due respect boss. After the bulge in your pants, I think it wouldn't be rape..", I s giggled softly.

"That's all this Elra's fault! It's like this since 2 days!", he said passionately.

"She's also only trying to defend her innocene, boss.."

"I'll not give up so easyly. Oh good...... that feels so good..!", he groaned, when I pressed my thumb between his eyes and the two fingers on his hairline.

"I know that it felt good, because that was the first pressure point. And the second point is the tissue, where the bones of the thumb and forefinger converge..", I told him while pressing there too.

"I know a third pressure point, too..", he said with a big smile on his face.

"Aha? Which one..?", I asked curiously.

"Elra's tight virgin pussy!"

"You're sometimes really bad, boss!", I actually lauged and hit is head once. "Why are you talking always so disrespectful about women?"

"Come on, what is so disrespectful when I say, Elra's tight pussy?"

"The way you talk! I mean, a man shouldn't be talking with other man about a womans sexual organ. It sounds like you invite other men to try their chance with her too. You want her in your bed? I can understand that, but why do you make other men notice that, too? Don't do that boss.."

"Uhh..", he made suddenly and sat up. "You're right, I didn't think of that at all. She's not a prostitute after all..!"

"Yes, and this word "pussy", you shouldn't use either, it sounds so disgusting! That calls vagina..", I reminded him.

"Are we here in biology class?! I never call it vagina! That sounds so ....... good!", he said and shook himself once.

"But that's the right term, boss. The other one doesn't sound so.... good. That's so.... hmm??"

"Naughty? Dirty? Sexy?", he asked and winked.

"Dirty yes, that's how I would call it.."

"I like it dirty! And believe me Elra will like it, too. Really Roy, it's good that you're gay. You wouldn't have much chances to be with a woman..", he said with a serious face. PAH!!

"How do you know, that Elra likes dirty? Maybe she wants this boring 5 times in and out?!"

"She'll get that too, when we'll have a quickie... but in a hard way. Oh god...", he groaned and let his fall back on his bed again. "I hate it to be in this state! The last time was in my puperty!", he sighed and actually stroked his bump.

Damn.. I hope, he's not going to get him...?

"I want this woman, Roy. Before that my cock won't rest..", he sait passionately and looked at me. I got really goosebumps.

"What do you want to do, if you meet her again, boss?"

"I don't know, Roy... I would just drag her into a quiet corner and kiss her senses away, but something comes always up..!"

So.. honestly, I would love to kiss him, but...?

"Just kissing... or.... more?"

"I said, kissing her senses away, Roy. After that she'll be willingly in my arms..", he said confident and winked at me.

Dumbass, does everything with you had to end with sex?!

"Your headache seems to be getting better, boss. I'll go back to my room again and try to sleep, again..", and moved from his bed.

"Ok Roy, thank you a lot. And sleep well..", he said, folded his arms under his head and grinned happyly at the ceiling.

I'll show you, Jackson!

Tomorrow you'll see me again. I want to see, how do you want to kiss my senses away!

I just had to come up with a good plan an getting him back to the mall again.

But to my suprise he didn't wanted to go out the next day. He actually said, that my massage wasn't that successful after all and he'd rather get some sleep.

"Have a nice day outside. I'll see you later..", and went back to his room again.

What? And what about kissing my senses away???

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now