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"Hello Jackson..", I greated him and looked impressed around me. "Well, I have to say you tried really hard today. First the roses and now with a limousine infront of my door..!"

"Yes, but as I can see you didn't tried that hard.. well, your hair. But it always looked good.", he said and looked at me, like he wouldn't like my outfit.

"Will you stop being an asshole, right away? You almost talked me into it!", I laughed and shook my head.

"Well, I hop it will be more interesting under this boring coat..", he went on with his asshole attitude, what got so slowly on my nerves.

"Ok, if you want I can go out again right away? Find a woman that has a more interesting coat on.."

"Well, I don'twant to be like that..", he laughed amused. "At least my dad said, we should look into the package, right?"

"He meant something else by that c, but probably it doesn't go that deep with you. So let's eat something, after that everyone goes his own way.."

"What?! I tried so hard, but not just to argue with you! Our ways just crossed, beauty. We'll see each other for a while, I'm sure.."

"If you want to keep your asshole attitude the rest of the evening too, you can forget that, right away..!", I said pissed and turned to the window.

"Hey! I just said that your hair is beautiful!", he laughed me out.


The evening started promisingly. This man had really no idea how to treat a woman! If it goes on like this, then he could also forget the kiss.

"Are you offended now, beauty...", he asked with a chuckle and I looked at him again.

"Why should I be offended? I know your taste for women Jackson. Everything too exaggerated and that's not my style at all. So I don't care.."

"You started with insultings..", he said unimpressed.

"What?! When did I say, that you didn't look good?!"

"That not, but you laughed about my efforts. First the roses and then the limousine. And I really went above my limits for you.."

Yes, he was right, I really did that. But that was not to offend him. I really wasn't expecting so much from him and was just shocked.

"You're right. I apologize..", I said honestly.

"And I find you gorgeous in everything you wear. Bust most of all, I would like to see you naked..!", he cheekyly winked at me.

"Jackson, I beg you! We are just at the beginning of our diner and you already say you want to see me naked! Can't you wait a bit with that?!", I asked startled.

"But wouldn't it be worse, if I just take you and fuck right away? This way I just prepare you a little. After all, I want to achieve my goal at the and of the evening.."


"Your naked body, beauty.."

PAH! You can wait a long time for that.

"You're wrong, Jackson. Today you won't see more than my legs.."

"If you mean..", he chuckled and looked at me. I felt like I was caught in the lion's den.

His eyes felt like a starving beast was watching me, and I felt the pressure in every part of my body he looked over. My god... I never felt so harassed, and that without a damn touch!

But when wie finally get to the restaurant he was polite and even helped me out of the car.

"Good evening Mr. Black, your table is already set for you..", they greeted him and led us to our table.

"You're often here what?", I asked and couldn't help but laugh.

"That's true, I'm eating here very often with my guests. Of course only with specials.."

"Of course, only with the prettiest..", I snorted quietly.

This restaurant was really very luxurious and I immediately felt uncomfortable in my coat. But thank god, a gentleman came and helped me out of it, right away. They led us to a huge room with pleasant light, that didn't sting in your eyes.

We sat next to the water, where they separated a small area for us. The other guests were more inside the restaurant. Well, that looked really suspicious!

I sat on my chair and didn't dare to say something. I was just not used to such places, especially not as a guest.

"We'll let you know..", Jackson said to the waiter and looked at me after he left. "I have to admit, you're the prettiest of the women I had here so far.."

"Oh come on! That's just one of your persuasion tactics..!", I laughed.

"I don't deny that i will try to use that tonight. But in fact, it's the truth.."

"Then it's only men you're eating here with.."

"Exactly!", he exlaimed amused. "Not that stupid for a virgin.."

"I'm really suprized that you still doubt my intelligence, after I already escaped your arms several times.", I said proudly and could have patted myself on my shoulder.

"True, but you should now it, when I planned to get you in my bed, then I will get you. If you've escaped me three times, that's just because I let you go.."

"Your confidence is admirable, Jackson.."

"I only know, how I appear to women.."

"I really want to know what you'll do, if you on my case, fell on your nose..?"

He put his arms on the table and leaned forward.

"You mean, you won't give in to me?", he asked amused.

"Honestly Jackson, without attacking you... but I don't like this kind of turn on. Your way is just too much for my liking.."

"Hmm..? You mean, it would leave you really cold if I would just crawl under this table..... now.... to lick your virgin pus...", he actually said and stopped in the middle of his last letter.

Oh God almighty!

"Are you crazy?! Here are so many people, Jackson! Aren't you ashamed at all?!"

"Why..? Nobody will see it under the table..", he said with a shrug.


"Let's finally order, Jackson. I'm starving..", I said, and looked embarrassed on my lap.

"Me too..", he said and called for the waiter.

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now