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Jackson's view

I was desperate!

This woman was a damn virgin, but still I couldn't tame her.

Since when was it so hard to get a woman in my bed? It can't be that I slacked off like that?!

No Jackson, you didn't.. you need to go to the casino, and the women would come out of every corner to you, just to get your attention! Why was Elra not like the other women, damn?!

Well, she moaned at my touch, she definitely liked that. Damn, she kissed me all by herself and grinned after that. She enjoyed it, but why did she kept running away damn! I almost had her so far!

Ok, maybe that with her bossom wasn't planned, but she weard a short lace dress, with a cleavage where you couldn't see a bra. Every man would think that she wasn't wearing one. As if it wasn't bad enough that her naked legs were hidden under the table, I only had her upper body in front of my eyes. And the more I looked at it, all the more my eyes searched for a bra. And as I didn't find it, I got worse and worse. How should I still be able to think normally, I just went crazy! And all this after 3 days, without sex! I was just a human, damn!

Ok, this time you got away from me again, but for the next time I'm definitely prepared. Because then I will tie you up and then I'll see how you want to get away from me.

Yes, I will do that. But for now, I fucking need a woman!

I got up and wanted to make my way to the casino, but when I stepped of my room, Roy came running towards me.

"Sorry boss! A-Am I late?!", he asked out of breath.

Oh damn, he was just missing.. as if I wasn't pissed enough.

God.... without a birthmark again!

Why is he not paying attention, damn?!

"Go to your room Roy, and leave me for the night alone, ok?! I'm angry enough! See you tomorrow!"

"O-Ok..", he winced once and backed away. "Are you not feeling well, boss?", he still asked worriedly.

"Get your ass to your room Roy! I don't want to take my anger out of you! Good night!"

I turned around and went back to my room.

I changed my mind, damn. I want to get behind this secret. It can't be that he one day had a birthmark, and the other day not. I'm not an idiot, damn. But somehow, everyone thought it that way. First this damn virgin, and now this little boy!

But today I'll get behind his secret, so that I could feel some peace again. And tomorrow I'll take care of Elra. I threw myself back on my bed and turned the TV on to the porn channel. At least a pleasend sight for my eyes, and maybe also for my cock!

But this toddler actually dared to knock on the wall!

"Shut the fuck up and go to sleep!", I yelled over to him and turned the volume even louder.

You little fart don't have to tell me, how loudly I watch my porn. Although, how are you going to focus on the porn, when you still have so much in your mind?!

Damn, even porn couldn't calm me down. I turned it off and ran into the shower, I just needed hot water now. I was boiling with rage. Never in my life was I this angry...

On the one side my sexual frustration and on the other Roy's hide and seek game. Two little insignifant people just made my life to hell.

Freshly showered and still frustrated I stepped out of the shower and got me ready for bed. But I just wanted lie down and wait for Roy to fall asleep. Because after that I'll just sneak into his room. Surely, he won't sleep with a cap on his head.

All I had to do was calling the lobby and ask for the spare key. I waited exactly 3 hours and couldn't wait any longer. And that without watching a porn.

"You go in first... and be quiet. If he's still awake then say you're the night shift and want to change the towels.."

"Ok, Mr. Black..", he whispered and quietly got in his room.

Well Roy, soon I'll see why you always wear this fucking cap!

"Boss, nobody is in this room..", he whisper-yelled out of the room.


I was I spurised ang get in, to just see his clothes hanging carefully on the armrest of the chair. But his bed was really empty.

"Boss, maybe he's in the bathroom? Should I knock on the door?"

"Yes, do it.. but wait. I'm going out. He shouldn't notice that I'm here too. Ask him, if he needs new towels.."

"OK boss.."

I just hurried out of the room and cursed softly. This toddler was really lucky. But that was ok, then I first take care of Elra, and then Roy. But now, I really needed a porn. I was just about to....

"Boss..!", he hissed at my door again.

God, why was I not able to even watch a porn?!


"I don't know boss, but.... I think.. you should take a look yourself..", he said pointing in Roy's room.

"Did something happened to him?", I asked worriedly.

"No.. ehm... how... should I say?"

Quickly I got in the room and went straight to the bathroom.....?

"What the hell?!"

Shocked I looked into the bathtub and was just speechless.

"If I'm not wrong boss, is this a woman. Ehh.. do you know this lady or should I call the cops?"

Yes, I knew her....... Elra.

For the first time in my life I didn't know what to say. I could barely move and was completely speechless for a while.

"It's ok, Tim. You don't need to call the cops. I know this woman. I'll take care of it. Please pretend you didn't see anything.."

"Ok boss, do you still need me?"

"No Tim, you can go.."

After Tim left the room I sat down on the toilet bowl and looked at the peacefully sleeping Elra. She had ear plugs in her ears, probably because of the loud porn... damn it!

Everything took a different turn in this moment, and all my questions get an answer!

The birthmark, that hidden hair, Nick's kiss and why she was never at home!

I felt a pain in my heart, that I had never felt before..

I never was fooled by a woman in this way, never.. ever...

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now