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Jackson's view

"Boss, boss..!", Roy knocked suddenly at my door, as soon as I got in my room.

"What is?", I asked him suprised because he sounded so hectic.

"I was worried when you weren't in your room. How is your headache?", he asked worriedly.

"I'm feeling better roy, don't worry. I'm not a little kid..", I said with a laugh. This boy was really cute.

"That makes me happy, boss! By the way I threw a bit some of my money today and found something that immediately reminded me of you. May I give it you?"

"You... bought something for me?"

"Yes, but I swear it wasn't planned. I saw it by chance while walking by and thought that would be something for Mr. Black Jackson...", he said passionately and waited for an answer.

"Well, you made me really curious. Show me.."

I was really suprised and wanted to see why he was so excited about.

"Sorry, it's nothing big.. I-I mean by your standards! But this is just perfect for you!", he said excitedly and handed me a small box. "You can also see that as a thank you, because you gave me so much money, even though I didn't deserve it..", he said quietly as I opened the box.

I saw the contents and........ damn. This kid was really right! It fitted like nothing else..!

"Thank you, young man.", I said honesly touched. "You are the first one who gave me a present so far. And I have to say.. it's just perfect. I like it a lot!"

"I told you!", he said excited and jumped happyly. Well then he held is cap, so it didn't fall off his head. Goooooddd!

"You have that big hat on, again?!"

"Boss please! The guests in the casino are liking this cap on me! They even say I'm cute, because I look so young in it. They give me a lot of extra tips!", he said and looked at me pleadingly.

I really had to laugh. What was behind this fucking cap?!

I was just about to say, the he should also remove his birthmark to look younger..... when it struck me like a lightning!!

Yesterday while we were with Nick, he had a birthmark, but later not!

Even not, when he massaged my head!!

And now he had a birthmark again!

Who the fuck was this Roy, damn!!

How stupid did this little fart thought I would be?!

That was really getting on my nerves!

I really would have loved to strangle him, but he was just too young. So I let it. I'll get the truth out of him another way. Just wait...

"Ok, I agree. But then take a few more from the company, so that your head doesn't stink under the sam cap.."

"Ok, boss!"

Your luck, that I have other plans tonight. I'll take care of you later, today it was Elra's turn.

"Go and get some rest, because later we're going to pick up Elra for diner, at 6 pm.."

"Ohhh, did she finally say yes to sex?"

"Not yet, but that soon will come too. So be ready at 5 pm.."

"Boss, I actually wanted to ask if I could stay away tonight. My brother fly in to visit me today and will fly back this evening again. I didn't see him for so long. I will return tonight and be ready for you in the morning again!"

"Ok..", I said and waved him off.

"Thank you, boss!"

Today you have time off Roy, but tomorrow you will have to explain me the reason for this oversized cap and the missing birthmark. I hate it when they were hiding from me.

Ok, since Roy wast a part of this evening today, I had to organize another ride for us. I was really nervous and couldn't wait to eat her finally up tonight. That was already the third day without sex and by my standards a no go!

It will be like a first time for me too, after three long nights, so I needed something special.

I even overcome myself and sent her a bunch of red roses, with the note:

"The most beautiful roses, for the most beautiful woman... from the most beautiful man of course..! See you later...."

Elra's view

He actually sent me roses, and that without sex!

Did that had to mean something special?

Well, he just listen to Roy's advice to maybe get me easier into his bed. Which, well didn't leave me completely cold, but that was not enough.

And If was really looking forward to our diner date. Of course it won't be the same as it was with Roy, but sureyly he won't talk all evening about getting me in his bed. That he would try to kiss me I was aware of that, and also wanted it. But if he would try to go further, I didn't know how to stop him.

I went into the kitchen and put the roses in water and quickly got into the shower so that I could the glue get off my face. I took off my birthmark and put it carefully aside, so that I wouldn't loose it again. It was a miracle that Jackson didn't noticed that last evening. But it was probably because of his headache that he had last night.

Next day I wanted to get an new one early in the morning, but then I found it suprisingly stuck on my sleeve. So I put it quickly on again, and lo and behold, he didn't said anything. That meant he didn't noticed it. I mean, he would have asked more question if it would be the case. In future, I just had to be more careful.

After my shower I went to my room and took the dress out of my bag, that I bought from the mall today. A black dress only with black lace, which only showed skin on my cleavage and my arms. It was maybe a bit short, but it was closed with buttons up to my neck. I didn't wanted to overdo it whit the dress, so that he won't saw it as an invitation.

Well, maybe he'll think that in every dress but I thought this one was a good desition. We'll surely went to a posh restaurant, and there I couldn't go with a simple dress. I was dressed in not time, only my hair took the most time. Wrapping and unwrapping again was very inconvenient.

And exactly 1 minute before 6 pm my doorbell rang and opened the door. My mouth stayed open when I saw the long limousine in front of my door, black and polished!

"Miss..? Mr. Black is waiting for you in the limousine.."

"Thank you, I'm just getting my bag.."

I grabbed my bag and coat, closed the door behind me and let him lead me to the limousine...

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now