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I was back in bed, lying on Jackson's sleeping chest and listened to his regular heartbeats. I also planned to sleep, but because of he persuaded me in the shower again, I couldn't.


I was so tired after that, but still couldn't get myself to close my eyes. Yesterday I had only the cocoa that Jackson brought me and my stomach was literally growling like crazy, and yet I had no appetite.

There were so many questions floating in my head at once, and didn't know which ones to answer first. Me, Elra.. who decided years ago to safe her virginitiy for her future husband, had just give in to a man who neither planned to marry, or at least respected women.

He just took advantage of them for a few days to dump them again, without thinking of the damage he maybe could left back. And if all that was still not enough, I behaved like the woman in porn I listened with him. That I actually didn't planned to have sex, that faded to the background me, because.......... well, I really enjoyed it!

The thought, that he would wake up and persuade me again, was maybe what gnawed the most at my thoughts. I would give in again.

And now, I had no idea what awaited me in the future anymore!

I had always built this protective wall around me to protect myself, but Jackson destroyed that now. How should I sort out all this mess, again?

My mother always said:

"If you give in once, you'll always give in. It's better to save yourself for only one man. Then you won't be labeled as a slut and will also get loved all the more by your husband."

Will I also be labeled as a slut, now?

God, when I just thought about my behavior during sex, then I already knew the answer. And before I could fell any deeper in my thoughts, Jackson moved beneath me and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey beauty..", he said sleeply and stroked my hair with his hand. Then he streched his body, pushed me back from his chest onto the mattress. He smiled and gave me a kiss on my lips: "When did you wake up?"

"Just shortly before you..", I lied. "I'm hungry Jackson. May I eat something?", I asked before he started to nibble on me again.

"Of course..", he said and let go off me. I immediately got off the bed and turned bright red, when I saw his gaze on my still naked body. "The fridge is full with delicious things..", he said more to my butt with still hungry eyes and a cheeky grin on his face. I went fast to the closet and wanted to get one of his shirts, but changed my mind because of his last sentence about me wearing his shirt. I grabbed a bathrobe that was also in and put it on right away. I didn't wanted to provoke him unnecessarily.

"Ok, I go downstairs and look what I can prepare us for breakfast..", and just ran the downstairs to the kitchen to open the fridge. I took out four eggs, butter and cheese and then prepared two cheese omeletts for us. I put two mugs with tea bags aside, turned on the kettle and set the breakfast table. Just when I was about to call him, I heard him running down the stairs himself.

"Hmm.. I could smell it from the bedroom..", he said and kissed my neck tenderly. "What did you cook, beauty?"

"Nothing speacial, just a cheese omelette..", I lauged and went away from his arms.

"Do you know, how long it's been since I ate a cheese omelette? I think, the last time made it my forster mother for me.."

"Well, then was it actually the right choice. Enjoy it..", I said and put one on his plate. "I just bring you your tea.."

I filled the mugs up with hot water and brought it to the table too.

"The omelette is really delicious. Thanks for your effort.."

"Your welcome, Jackson. I liked doing it.."

"Well, I didn't expect anything else either. Prepared with hands of a woman, who is a delicacy her own..", he said and blew me an airkiss.

I smiled sheepeshly and looked back down at my plate. During our breakfast I noticed he was particularly in a good mood, he just talked with non-stop. This time I got to met a new side of him, that I didn't really expected, at least not after havin sex with me. He was so unexpected relaxed, still flirty and smiled a lot while talking.

God, why did this man always smiled so beautifully and made me forget everything around me?

For a few seconds I forgot where I was, or which color the sky had and if not even myself!

It was just his handsome face that I saw, and his beautiful bright smile until he closed his lips again and you turned back to reality.

"What do you have beauty? You hardly ate anything..", he said and suddenly crouched next to me. God, this dreaming away just had to sop. In the long run he'll became more and more dangerous for me!

"Of course I ate something. Can't you see that?", I laughed and pointed to my empty plate.

"And what about your toast? You didn't eat even one.."

Suddenly this exaggerated and unusual niceness didn't gave me peace. Who knew what horrible things awaited me later again? Or would it be always like this now?

"That was probably a bit too much protein you stuffed yesterday in my mouth, that today was no more need for carbohydrates anymore..", I said to remind him of his asshole behavior from yesterday, so he stopped continue to act like nothing bad did ever happened. But Jackson wouldn't be Jackson, if he turned the meaning of my sentence and use it to his advantage as well.

"Well, if thats what you want, I'm completely full again..", he winked and kissed my lips.

"No thanks..", I said unimpressed and started to pick up my dishes and put them straigt into the sink. I started to wash everything by hand and noticed him quietly next to me as he putted is dishes in the sink, too. I felt his eyes on me and wished I could just ignore it. He made me damn nervous!

"Hey..", he said suddenly, grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face him. "Why aren't you looking at me? Are you still in pain?"

Well, again this nice way. Honestly I was a bit irritated, because he had this concern look in his face.

"No..", I said shortly and wanted to turn back again, but he stopped me.

"Then why aren't you looking at me?", he asked again, although I was doing exactly that right now.

"I just do it..", I laughed.

"And why do you wash the dishes by hand, when there's a dishwasher right in front of you?"

"I like washing the dishes..", and turned around again.

What was actually a lie. At home I literally put every fart in the dishwasher, just so I didn't have to wash it by hand. But here, I just had to do something to distract myself. The risk of me falling over was really too big.

"Ok, but what do you think of this..?", he started again, pulled my hands out of the water and turned me back to him. "We'll put them in the dishwasher together and then find to do something else.. that we both enjoy..", he said with a grin as he dried my hands with a cloth. He opened the dishwasher, streched out his hand and pointed his eyes into the sink, where the dirty dishes still were.

I gave him a plate that he put in the dishwasher right away. Then he held out his hand again and.... waited. I lauged and gradually handed him the dishes one by one until the last dish was sorted away, too. With his foot and a grin on his face, he closed the dishwasher again and put his arms on each side at the sink, to block my way.

"Thank you, that went really fast. And is there more to do around the house, where we can lend a hand together?", I offered him.

"Hmm.. would you like some dessert?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe later.."

"And would you mind, if I get me something then?", he asked and strangely tried to undo the know of my bathrobe as well.

"No, why should I....?....Hey! What are you doing?!", I laughed, because he just got on his knees in front of me.

"I'm going to get my dessert..", he said licking his lips and buried his face right on my naked flesh.

"Damn.... Jackson...!", I moaned and just leaned back against the sink..

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora