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That was really a great excuse with my tiredness. He said we would go after dinner, to look after me. And I urgently needed a bath. To be on the safe side, I locked the door and finally got in my long-awaited bathtub.

I had to admit, after these few hours I kind of started to like this man. At least I liked his sense of humor. And he treated me as the young men Roy not that bad either, he liked him.

And I liked him too....ehm... as my boss of course!

As a man he was not really to my liking, except for his handsome face!

His dark hunter eyes, his beautiful nose which was unusually pointed for a man... so feminine, but still a perfect complement to his face with it's strong lines. He was like a dream, but one that felt like a nightmare.

I saved enough money the last week and would be really happy, when I got finally out of this disguise and back to my normal life. At least until I got a new job, again.

Because if I would stay longer as Roy next to him, I would see and know more about the man Jackson. Anb by his handsome face I was afraid to fell in love with him.

I know, I just said he were not for my liking and thats my honest oppinion. He just wasn't a man to fall in love with, because he didn't respect women!

But still, we can't lump everyone together, can we?

He lives in the higher society that could never be compared with my life. He just enjoyed a different upbringing, even if he grew up with forster parents, the fact that he was spoiled by everyone couldn't be overlooked. Probably the women had read the wishes off his lips..... always! And I couldn't change that anymore.

I was sure, even in later years will this man look good and his effect on women will not wane either. Well, not a good idea to take him as a family man.... but would have been nice. Yeah, and becaus of all this chaos in my head, it could be that in the long run I lost control over my heart.. and I didn't want that.

I got out of the tub and went straight to bed. Those long nights in the casino really messed up my sleep rhythm, but thank god I still could fall asleep right away.

I set the clock just before dinner, so I could prepare me on the side for our coming little trip. And I ordered my food to my room, just to not attract much attention. After all I was here with Nick and it could be that someone of the crew regonizes me. And that next to Jackson could end dangerously.

After dinner I knocked on his door and was suprised, when he opened the door like at the first evening... only with a towel around his hips!

"Come in.. I quickly get dressed and then we can go.."

"O-Ok..", I said a bit embarrassed and sat on his bed and wasn't prepared for the coming show.

He took the towel off his hips and I could see his naked ass!

Of course, I immediately closed my eyes when he turned to me and clapped my hands over my face as well.

"Stop that shit, Roy!", he laughed amused. "You have the same as me!"

"But you're naked, boss!", I called through my hands.

"I'm already dressed again Roy, that was only for a short while.", he giggled. "You really don't expect me to dissapear into the bathroom for those 3 seconds to put on my underwear?"

"Why not?! Don't you care if everyone sees your...... private area?"

"It's only 3 seconds Roy..", he repeated. "And they are long gone..", and tapped on my shoulder. I looked through the crack between my fingers and saw his grinning face. "Come on, let's go..", he winked.

I got up and followed him, while my eyes landed on his butt that just had looked really crispy!

Damn, I would be happy when this Wayne could come back. So I finally go home and start to forget about Jackson.

"May i ask you something private... or, let's say my honest opinion?"

"Of course, boss.."

"Your behavior irritates me, because sometimes you act like a girl.."


He knows it.....did he regonize you!?!

"I can assure you, boss, I'am definitely a man!", I still tried my luck.

"How are you going to prove it to me? Do you want to show me your cock?!", he asked with a cheeky grin in his face, that gave me fucking goosebumps.

"B-Boss.. I hope you don't mean that seriously..?", I asked a bit scared, because his eyebrow got dubiously up. Was he insane?!

"I won't show you my penis, boss!"

He threw his head back and laughed.

Ok, what was that supposed to mean now? He won't really ask me to undress in front of him, will he?!!

Well, as bold as he was, I wouldn't wondered. But he could forget that right away, again. I will fight back with hands and feet.

"Ok, then you are gay.."

"What?! I'm definitely not, boss!"

"Come on, Roy. You can tell me, I don't mind.."

"What? You're gay? But the woman..."

"No..!", he interrupted me laughing. "I don't mean that. I mean I don't mind your attitude. My HR manager Nick, he's gay, too.."


"I know.."

"Ok, I just wanted you to know, so don't be ashamed of that.."

How did he suddenly come up with me as gay?!

"Boss, be sure I'm not. I'm 100% straight.."

"Ok ok..", he giggled and winked amused.

Damn.. he didn't believe me!

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now