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"Really Elra, you could have been a little more generous with your cleavage.."

"I already thought that you would expect something like that, and that's why I didn't do it..", I said cheekyly.

"Will you ever do anything I tell you?"

"I already did. You invited me to dinner and I accepted."

"That's right..", he grinned and sipped at his wine. "That means we're making progress.."

"I don't know if we should call that really 'progress', Jackson. I would rather call it, my collar burst and thought.. listen to what he has to say.."

"I would prefer it to show you.."

Annoyed I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"I won't sleep with you, Jackson..", I said firmly.

"Do you wanna bet?", he winked.


"Is there no escape from this possibility?"

"No, it will happen. It's up to you how long you will drag it out."

"I don't want to drag out anything, Jackson. I want you to stop. I'm not a woman who normally walks around you.."

"But fortunately, your way got lost in my environment.."

"Did you ever thought about, that I could be in love, or even had a fiance?"

"You're way too prudish to have a boyfriend, or a fiance. And by the way, no man will accept what you try to do, and you know that too. That's why you're still single.."

Uhhh, he was really good.

"One day, I'll find this man.."

"Or a man will come, and convince you from the opposite.."

"And let me guess, you are this man??"

"Yeah.. I know that you like me.. and by chance my touches too.."

"How did you come up with that?", I laughed.

Damn, he put a lot together when the evening was long.

He smiled confidently and dabbed his lips on the napkin.... before then he suddenly got up from his chair. I also got up and took a step around the table.

"What are you up to?"

He stopped and looked at me with a slight smile.

"Why are you running away?"

"Why did you get up?"

"I just wanted to prove you, that you don't mind my touch.."

"To be honest, I thought of that, too.."

He giggled and leaned down to get closer to my face.

"Just relax, beauty. I just want to kiss you.."

"Here?! Infront of all this people?! Are you crazy?!"

"Nobody will look at us, just because I kiss you on your lips..!"

"No, damn! Sit back on your chair!", I shouted and pointed to his chair.

He went, but to the opposite and sat down on my chair. Where I ended up was no question, I sat down on his chair. He took my soon and tried from my dessert.

"Hmm.. ice-cream on the beehieve..", he hummed an put it in his mouth. "I like honey..", and took another spoon.

"Well, if you were so keen on my dessert, then we could have also swapped the plates, not the places right away.."

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now