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Jackson's view

Even though I was sitting quietly on the couch, my heart was actually pounding like crazy. What did this damn woman do to me?

Would I always be like this when I was with a woman from now on?

Well, I actually didn't believed that, but I couldn't interpret this new feeling of happiness any other way. She really knocked me out!

I never heard the word "love" from a woman's mouth, because they knew from the beginning not to expect such feelings from me. Elra knew this too, but somehow managed to get me to think of these feelingd, again. God, just the idea gave me goosebumps.

Was I really in love, now?

I still remembered the feelings, when I was young. But this one was much more than the brief butterfly flutter in my stomach, before I kissed the girl.

This was like an explosion of emtions, like thousands of butterflies fluttering in my stomach, even though she wasn't next to me. And sometimes I couldn't breathe, especially when I looked at her. It all felt so crushing and at the same time so light and carefree, like I was floating. Back at the time, I knew that I definitely didn't felt all this. Just the thought of Elra, brought a dreamy smile to my lips today.

Damn, maybe Ken was right. Maybe I really was in love!

God, what would all the people around think of me, and all the women??

Am I really going to give them all up now??.................no!

I didn't believed that, and no one would believe me that either. Not even Elra herself believed, that I had such strong feelings!

Bur surely it was just a crush I felt, and that just because she was so different from the other women. I'll never be able to fall in lve in the long term. I'm enjoying my current life far too much for that. I just hoped, that this infatuation would pass as quickly as possible, so I could go back to my old life an me again.

Well, but when I was actually in this infatuation state, no matter how short or long it would lasted, then I wanted to enjoy it, too.

And damn, her last sentence about me choosing a porno made this infatuation all the more exciting!

What was this prudish woman planning to do with me and a porno, when we couldn't have sex?? I wanted to wait until she came and then decide with her what kind of porn we should watch. But where...??

"Jackson..", I finally heard her ask from the stairs, before I had even finished my question to think!

"Should I come up?", I asked, getting up from the couch.

"N-No Jackson... don't come!", she said loudly and I stopped laughing again.

"Ok, but why don't you come down then?", I asked amused, after hearing her stutter.

"I-I... I'm a little embarrassed... so.. um.., can you turn the lights down a little?"

I threw my head back and laughed.

"Stop this nonsense! You're always beautiful. You've no reason to be embarrassed with me, come down..", I said and tried to encourage her. This beauty was really adorable with her prudish attitude!

"I know Jackson, but I would be very emberrassed with what I put on. And when I'm downstairs you can turn the light back up again, I promise.."

What she...... put on???

What was she wearing, damn it?!!

"I come and get you, damn!"

"No, please don't! I swear, otherwise I'll call it all off!", she threatened me straight away.

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