Chapter 52

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On Wednesday the three of us, along with the guys, were flying to North Dakota. We had given ourselves a few extra days so we do the last few things we couldn’t do in London and so we had a little time to relax. We decided to stay at my family’s farm to avoid people as much as possible, hoping to prevent anyone from crashing the wedding.

Thursday morning the buzzing of our alarm woke me up. I hit the button to turn it off and rolled over to make sure Niall was awake. “Niall, we have to get up.”

“Hmm,” he replied.

“I know but you need to shower before we leave.” I rubbed his arm hoping to wake him up more. He still wasn’t awake enough for me to trust him to actually get up. I started by pulling the covers off him so the cool air could contact his skin.

“You’re mean.” He curled into a tight ball trying to stay warm.

“Well you need to get up.”

“Five more minutes.” He continued to lay there. My feet were always cold in the morning so I decided to use them to my advantage. There was a small strip of his back exposed under his shirt so I placed my cold toes against his skin. His body twisted to escape the assault from my feet. “Jesus Christ, what the hell was that?” Niall asked once he was finally out of bed.

“My feet.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because it got you out of bed. Now go shower.” He huffed as he walked towards the bathroom.

After I changed my clothes, I went to wake Riley up. He was still asleep in his bed. “Riley it’s time to wake up,” I said in a soft tone while I gently shock him awake.

“No!” was the reply I received.

“Mommy and Daddy have a meeting so you need to get up so you can come.”


Why was it so hard to get people to wake up this morning? Riley was normally jumping on our bed to get us up. I didn’t have time to waste so I scooped him from his bed. He flared his arms and began to scream and cry. I set him on the floor and stripped him of his pajamas and changed his wet diaper. “What do you want to wear today?” He continued to sit on the floor pouting. “Do you want to wear Batman or you football shirt?”

“No!” I was fed up with up with his attitude so I grabbed a shirt and pair of pants from his bag. He fought me to whole time I was trying to dress him too.

After we finished getting dressed, I took him downstairs to get some breakfast. “What do you want for breakfast? Maybe some toast and banana, or how about cereal?”

I got the same answer I had gotten all morning, “No!”

“Riley I really don’t have time for your mood right now. You need to eat so we aren’t late.”

“No go.” I let out a huff of air and tried to calm myself.

“What’s the matter?” Niall asked as he stood beside me and held my waist.

“Riley has been really difficult this morning and won’t do anything I ask him to do and throws a tantrum. If this is what the terrible twos are like, I’m not looking forward to it.” I poured myself a cup of coffee and took a sip.

“Riley why won’t you listen to you mother this morning?”

“No!” He crossed his arms and slumped into his highchair.

“This is what I have been dealing with all morning.”

“You need to eat breakfast so we can leave soon.” Niall directed at Riley.

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