Chapter 56

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"Riley guess what day it is?" I asked Riley as I lifted him into the car. "Today is the day we get to see daddy!" His eyes got really big and he became really excited when he heard that. I hadn't told him yet that we were going to see Niall because I knew if I did, the whole time until we actually saw him he would be constantly asking for him. So I just decided it would be better for both of us to wait until now to tell him. "We just have to fly to America, then we get to see him." He began to bounce in excitement. "Let's get you buckled into the car so we can drive to the airport." He climbed into his car seat and I buckled him in and then buckled myself into the front seat.

I had already packed everything earlier so I drove us to the airport and met Jake there so he could help us travel. We got onto our plane and began the long flight to America. I tried to keep Riley awake as much as I could so he would sleep once we got there. I hated travelling to different time zone because his sleeping schedule would be so messed up that he would end up never sleeping at night. So I was trying my hardest to hopefully get us both sleep later.

Once we landed, a car was waiting to take us to the hotel the boys were currently staying at. It was late and we were told they had just finished their concert so hopefully Niall would be in his room when we got there.

I approached the door I was told was Niall's and took a deep breath before I knocked. Riley and I stood there and waited for the door to open. Footsteps could be heard moving towards us. The door opened and there Niall stood in only his underwear. "It's a good thing we aren't some crazy fans, otherwise they would have gotten a good sight," I said to him.

"What are you doing here already? I was just getting ready to come get you from the airport. Your flights not supposed to be here for almost an hour."

"It got in a little early and they told me you were still on stage so they just brought us here instead."

"Well I'm just happy you made it."

"Me too." I gave him a kiss before I walked into his room. Niall followed us in, pulling our luggage behind him.

"How was the flight?"

"It was good but boring"

"It always is."

"Riley should we try to use the big boy potty?" I picked Riley up and took and to the bathroom and placed him on the toilet. Since he didn't go after the flight, I was hoping I could get him to do it now.

"Are we starting to potty train?" Niall asked excited from the doorway.

"Yeah, he would get so upset whenever he had a wet diaper that I thought we should really to start trying."

"That's great, then we can finally get away from changing diapers."

"Not for long," I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing just talking to myself. Do you have your tour dates for next year set yet?"

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