Chapter 73

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Walking into the house from the garage, I set my purse down and took off my jacket before hanging it on the hooks by the door. I carried my backpack into the kitchen and set it down to worry about later. Following the noise of the television, I figured the boys would be in the living room. Their backs were to me as the three of them stared at the screen unaware I had come home, watching another golfer swing at his ball. "I'm home," I said trying to get their attention.

"Hi mommy," Riley answered quickly but his attention was back to the screen.

"Hey babe, how was school?" Niall asked as he looked over the back of the couch towards me.

"It was school. Went to class, listened to another boring lecture, came home."

"Why don't you come sit down and watch some golf with us?"

"Because golf is boring." I walked up behind the couch and glanced down at all of them, seeing something I wouldn't expect to. "Why are you all sitting here in your underwear?" All three of them were down to nothing but their diaper or briefs. Niall drank his beer, Riley sipped from a juice box, and Finley sucked on his bottle.

"We actually have a really good reason for this."

"I would love to hear it," I inquired. "I'm sure it's great."

"Well you see, it started when we were eating lunch. Finley was in the high chair eating some pureed carrots and ended up spilling the whole bowl in his lap and some of it got on me so we both changed clothes. Then Riley was painting and got paint on both of us and at the same time Finley got into Charlie's water and got all wet so I decided instead of changing clothes for the third time we were all just going to sit here in our underwear. Saves me a load of laundry to fold tomorrow. Why don't you strip down and join us?"

"I don't think so. Have you even packed yet? We leave in an hour."

"No," he answered. I had packed my stuff last night because I knew we wouldn't have much time from when I arrived home from school until it was time to leave.

"Get you butt upstairs and get packing."

"But I don't want to go."

"I know you don't want to have surgery on your knee again but you have to, so go get packed. Rita is going to be here shortly."

"Fine," He huffed before walking upstairs. I took Niall's place on the couch so I could snuggle with my babies for a little bit since we'd be gone for a couple of days.

After we arrived in the states, we rented a car before we drove to our hotel. "Niall I'm going to shower quick," I said shortly after we arrived and he nodded.

When I finished with my shower, I was combing through my hair so I walked out of the bathroom and found Niall in the exact place he was before I showered. "Are you alright honey? You seem awfully quiet."

"I'm okay."

Not satisfied with that answer I stood in front of him between his knees. I clutched his face in my hands and tipped it so he was looking up at me. "Niall what's wrong? Please tell me."

He was quiet for a moment before speaking, "I'm scared." I could see the tears beginning to build up on the bottom of his eyes.

"Honey why are you scare?"

"What if something goes wrong and I'm not able to use that leg anymore?"

"That's not going to happen Niall. You have one of the best surgeons working on your knee. You and I are going to walk back into our house together after your surgery. You are going to still be able to play with the kids in the backyard, and someday you will walk your daughter down the aisle on her wedding day."

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