Chapter 38

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When Niall was at sound check, I was asked to go to see wardrobe. I was informed I needed to get an outfit for the awards show that was coming up since they wanted me to go with Niall. So we decided tomorrow morning when we were stopped in the next city, I would go shopping with someone and find something to wear. That way if it needed some alterations they would have some time to do them.

Before the concert that night, I decided I should get some stuff done for school since I had less than two months before it started. So when I got back to the bus, I dug out my laptop and got to work. I began by ordering the textbooks I would need, and then I filled out some of the needed paperwork about my emergency contacts and what not.

I looked up from my screen and glanced at the clock to see it was almost time for the concert to begin. I grabbed Riley and we headed into the arena to watch the boys perform. While the concert was going on, I set Riley down because he was wiggling and squirming in my arms. He began to bounce along with the beat of the music. He tried to crawl his way to the stage but I grabbed him before he could make it which only made him mad.

After the show was over, we made out way to the dressing room where the boys were changing out of their concert clothes and Niall walked over to us. "Are you going to be a dancer bud? Or maybe just a musician and then you can come on stage with daddy."

"Tar, tar!" Riley replied.

"Oh you want to play the guitar like daddy. Maybe you can start your own band someday."

"Great show hun, but how about we wait until he's two before we decide a career for him?" I joked.

"Maybe you're right. Less than a year is maybe a little early to decide isn't it?" Niall said back. He interlocked our fingers and lead us to the bus. "But how cool would it be if we could jam out together?"

"For now I think it's time you to go to bed." I said to Riley after he rubbed his tired eyes. "But yes it would be cute."

"I'll put him down. Why don't you pick out a movie to watch?" Niall took Riley to his crib as I surveyed our movie collection and picked one to watch. I played the previews and made some popcorn as I waited until Niall returned to the living room.

Niall joined me on the couch and I started the movie. I curled into Niall's side as we snacked on our popcorn and enjoyed the movie. I started to doze off near the end so Niall turned the TV off. "I think it's time we get you to bed too."

"No I'm comfy right here."

"We can't stay here. The bed is much more comfy."

"But I don't want to move." I whined. Niall moved his arms around me and stood, picking me up with him. He carried me to the bed and gently laid me down.

I was awoken from my sleep in the middle of the night when I heard Riley's loud cries coming from down the hall. Niall heard them too because he jumped out of bed before I had the chance and went to see what was wrong. He returned to our room worried with Riley in his arms. I quickly moved and joined him trying to comfort our child. There were still soft cries coming from him as large tears rolling down his cheeks. He clung to Niall's shirt tightly and buried his face in his chest. "Could you tell what was wrong with him?"

"No he was just screaming in his crib. I couldn't see anything that would have cause it. I don't know what's wrong."

"Maybe he just had a nightmare and got scared." I rubbed his back as he was still in Niall's arms. "Did you have a bad dream buddy? Maybe you should sleep with mommy and daddy tonight and we will keep you safe."

There were still soft whimpers coming from him so Niall began to sway slowly trying to get him to relax. He finally loosened his tight fist around Niall's shirt he clung to so we laid down in bed with him between the both of us. I held him near me and gently rubbed his back as Niall held us close to himself. When Riley still wasn't falling asleep, Niall began to sing softly which caused the both of us to drift back to sleep.

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