Prom problems

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Percy's POV

The cafeteria was busy and noisy as usual, perhaps more than just usual. Prom was coming up, and gossips were flying everywhere of who liked who, who was going to take who to the dance...

As usual, Percy sat by the corner table with her best friend- Andy by her left. To the right of Percy was occupied by a blue backpack, saving a seat for Dick, who was for once late. Percy fingered the enchanted silver trident necklace around her neck and was deep in thoughts.

"Percy dear," Andy said in a formal British-tone, so much so the girl thought for a second that it was Alfred who was talking. "Would you mind calming down your mood? You're making everyone uneasy."

Percy retracted her glare and gave her friend an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I was thinking about some...stuff." Andy nodded as if understanding.

"Don't worry," She said suddenly. "Dick only has eyes for you." Percy took a double-take. Wow, sudden, out loud, and everything.

"Umm, o-okay?" The words made her flustered, Andy had known about her crush on Dick for as long as she could remember. Dick had been in Percy's life ever since she stumbled upon that dark alley so many years ago, so it's natural for a normal girl to have a crush on their best friend, right? But she was no ordinary girl, Percy's mood dropped again.

Just yesterday, she received an IM from Grover again, telling her that he had located the powerful half-bloods and that they had monsters on their tail. He didn't know who was the monster after the demigods and he would need their assistance soon. Something in Percy's gut told her that this will be the start of another dangerous quest. She will have to leave soon, perhaps never coming back.

"Hey gorgeous," A voice purred next to her. Percy didn't even need to turn to know who it is, her nose did the job for her. Oh no, not him again...

Dustin, a boy with dirty-blonde hair and dull-green eyes, who is a huge flirt at Gotham Academy, invited himself to their table. He nudged Andy out of his way, which the girl complained out loud, and plopped down on the now-empty seat. Percy groaned and scrunched up her nose in disgust. Dustin has to be the only male she has ever known, who is willing to dump an entire bottle of cologne on his body every day before coming to school. Now that would've been not so much of a problem, hundreds of girls do that at the school and he would have just been a smelly daisy among a bunch of other 'flowers'. That is if he didn't play sports often and didn't take a shower afterward. Sweat mixed with cologne was just plain disgusting.

"Go away, Dustin. For the last time, I'm not interested in going with you to the prom!" She said, trying hard to hold in her gag. Dustin smoothed back his hair and gave what he thinks is a charming smile and Percy fought down the urge to punch the lights out of the guy.

"Now, babe, don't deny it, I can see it in your eyes. you know you want me..." Percy's fists turned white with furry. What a blind idiot...

By now half of the school had turned their attention towards them and watched with interest. She has to control her anger, the pipes overhead are not sounding normal.

"Last warning, get away from me, Dustin." She said through gritted teeth. Out of the corner of her eyes, Percy could see Andy scotching away silently and the watching crowd doing the same thing. They knew that Percy was not the one to be messed with, nor is her family-the Waynes, but apparently, Dustin was an idiot or a guy who wished to gain power through charming other rich girls.

"Come on, Sweet Cheeks, you know that I'll have you, one way or another. No one can resist the charm of the Dustin man." The boy said with an ugly smirk.

He edges closer to Percy as she edges away from him. She was trying so hard not to lash out both emotionally and physically. Percy's attention was so focused on not hurting the bastard that she didn't realize how Andy, who was watching with wid-eyes on the side, suddenly smirked evilly at something behind her.

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