Tagged Again

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Tagged again

I got tagged again, which is very unexpected but okay...

Thanks, @lunacrescent225

Do you have a crush?

Yes, I talk to him almost everyday on WeChat. Stuck in the 'Friend Zone'

What's your middle name?

Being a typical asian, I don't have a middle name.

What's your height?

5 feet 2. I'm short I know.

Eye color?

Dark Brown. (And my eyes are not small at all!)

Last time you cried?

Probably last week, I don't remember.

Biggest fear?

Failed ACT and can't go to College and graduate and find a job that l like.

Last song you listened to?

Mic Drop by BTS

Last Person you texted?

My male friends at school (no, we have nothing going on, my heart belongs somewhere else, they were just asking about an Lad assignment we have due on Tuesday.)

Favorite App?

It's a tie between Wattpad and WeChat, I can't decide.

Tag 20 people (I'm lazy, so this is all just random, please don't be upset if you are not mentioned)





















Also on a side note, the first chapter of "Agent of Olympus" is out now so check it out and tell what you think of it. It's kind of wordy I know, I always find the first chapter of a book the hardest to write. Writing AOO has taken up the majority of my time this week, so if I didn't update MLOTMW you know the reason why.

Stay Safe Everyone~

I Purple You~

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